Decades of history burned by one asshole.
…and also thousands of enablers in every branch of government, every boardroom, and every newsroom.
Don’t forget the millions of voters as well
This is the important part.
The whole world suffered trump’s first term as a sort of scam that many confused, struggling Americans fell for.
But then y’all go and do it a second time? Fuck you.
What do they say? Fool me once, shame on you…
…can’t get fooled again!
And millions who didn’t vote for him but also didn’t protest his actions.
Imagine how Canadians may feel upon seeing their “friends” go along with Trump’s actions.
Congrats to all the American leftists who refused to vote against trump because they convinced themselves both sides were the same
to all the American
leftistsuseless idiots who refused to vote against trumpFTFY. Voting against trumpy was the easiest decision for anybody who opposes fascism.
From Europe, I see the republicans as a stick and the democrats as a carrot.
You are angry because people refused to vote against the stick, and I understand why, it makes sense.
At the same time, it’s easy to understand that there are people against the carrot&stick system, and I wouldn’t consider them useless idiots for not voting for the carrot.
Also, the carrot is fucking stale.I consider enabling the “stick” to be beat the fuck out of you just because you’re “not into carrots” to be objectively stupid. I’m a Euro transplant and I can’t see how it is less stupid from a European perspective. The saddest part is that my wife and I have recession-proof professions, people who got us into this situation don’t.
Also congrats to all the American liberals who are too useless to actually do anything about their horrible country.
The good news, if you can call it good news, is that Trump and co are so evil, and incompetent, that it’s waking people up to the awful system they live under.
Harris and The Democrats would’ve been able to continue with business as usual and nothing would change. At least now there’s some hope of a left surge in the wake of all this right wing hatred, pain, and suffering
Some surge? Maybe?
Any reasonable amount that will make a damned but if difference? Yeah no it won’t. People never learn. Even when they suffer under something they will claim it happened because of that thing over there. People won’t change.
Kamala wouldn’t have won if she got the entire 3rd party vote
There were also 90 million non-voters.
Unfortunately, most of them are not the leftists mentioned at the top of this thread.
A fact that nobody who voted that way could have possibly known ahead of time.
I’d imagine people in democratic strongholds knew their votes weren’t going to make a difference for their state, within a confidence interval.
It’s not one, at least half of our federal government is behind this and is signing off/agreeing with this.
This is the worst part (for US), it tooks them decades to build a solid and trusted relationship with the western world, and within 3 month, all of that is gone.
It’s not Canada or Denmark which will suffer the most from-it, but US themselves
Destroying is much, much easier than building, any idiot can do it.
It’s not Canada or Denmark which will suffer the most from-it, but US themselves
I get what you are saying but at the same time as a Canadian that comes across as more American-centric myopia.
We are a small country in terms of people with only nominally more people than the state of California spread out over a landmass 1.6% larger than the US. Our energy infrastructure doesn’t fully connect through our own country and due to American strong arming a lot of our manufacturing industry is not super robust. It’s the Goose next to the Eagle. We’re tough enough to defend ourselves and make it hurt to attack us but we aren’t getting anything out of this fight. For us it’s a fight for our lives not a fight we can profit off of. Whatever wounds we take in this fight will soften us up for the regular problems we fight. The forest fires that have become exponentially worse through climate change that have erased entire cities off our map. The healthcare crisis of a mass of retiring boomers needing more care in a system that has constantly under fire from Americanizing rhetoric that has caused disinvestment from an ethically better system. The protectionist rhetoric that comes with conflict which will erode the systems of government and create legal precedent for more autocratic means of operation that will need to be later undone. The pausing of reconciliation efforts with indigenous nations. This conflict, even as it is now, will cause real trackable losses of life and livelihood some of which will not come back.
Our existence and future as a sovereign nation is threatened but nope “The US will be the real victims of this”? Bloody fucking tonedeaf mate.
To be fair, it really started in 2015 when trump started his first run. His first term definitely brought attention to the rest of the world to ask if we were really this stupid. A second term is just a confirmation.
I hope you’re right about who suffers the most, we deserve it, and I hope the rest of the world prospers while we languish in our just desserts.
No desserts. Just languish.
Mind your languish.
Oh, he’s started on the Smithsonian so it’s going to be centuries.
Oh god fucking damnit seriously? He’s hollowing out the fucking Smithsonian? Jesus tapdancing christ.
They have a museum of African American history, and are preparing a museum of American women. Of course he wants to gut it.
There is also Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian
He who controls the past. Controls the future.
Why are we. Creating sentence fragments?
Maybe OP. Is. William Shatner!
Damn bros. This makes me sad on a Friday. We used to be besties.
Eh fuck governments, I’ll always love my Canadian bros.
Just like I have nothing against Chinese or Russian citizens, I hope others will be able to separate us from our fascist government.
Unfortunately the tools of statecraft aren’t all that granular. To make the Trump regime suffer, many Americans will suffer even if they don’t support Trump.
Yes, it’s unavoidable that we all have to suffer because of his regime. Same deal with the Russian sanctions.
pls take new england as a new province daddy 👉 👈 🥺
And Cascadia too, please.
probably for the best
He is right and I hope he and his party will win the election easily.
I wonder if this and others will force US rebuilding efforts to include governmental reform if and when Trump is out. No amount of Obamas can reassure people the US isn’t just going to flip out the left time it changes hands again.
Sadly i don’t think that will happen unless there is a substantial degradation of the quality of life in red states. The failure and the cause needs to be so mind numbingly apparently to even the most entrenched Trump supporter that they actually force their representative to join in on real reform. Unfortunately if we do have another election and control switches it’s most likely going to still have 40% or more of the voting population have political blindness. Farmers will lose their farms and still vote Republican.
ok so thats cool and all but how do we join? washington oregon california want in
You fix your mess internally, do something to deal with your government besides complain… In the other western countries we are starting to adjust to the US no longer being part of the club… act before we get used to that concept.
Step one is to secede from the US. You aren’t actually going to be part of Canada, but an EU style arrangement in North America could happen.
Elect progressives, enact progressive policies and then apply i guess! I’d be happy to have states aligned with our values join canada
! Protest. Join your local Tesla Takedown. 5 calls. Buy Canadian.
Americans should start boycotting red state’s agricultural/liquor products hard.
You aren’t like us and we don’t want you, harsh but for the best
Imagine californians buying up all of Vancouver Island for example. No thanks
you can’t You’re basically fucked
The fascists want you to give up. Do not let them win.
We really dont want your states. We dont like American culture. Its led to whatever the fuck you have going on down there.
those are words of a politician. This is what “sells” today. We’ll need to see very specific actions to back it up. Thus far most politicians shown lack of spine and would turn on a dime at first opportunity. Canada could’ve been “divorced” from US for over a decade now when Cretien hinted at desire to move in that direction… but nope, here we are overdependant on US and thumping our chests “never again”.
We’ve always known our growing interdependence is a risk, but there’s been many benefits and decades of good experience. Occasionally, the US has done things that have slowed this progression and has made many of us wary while some (especially business leaders in sectors such as oils and gas) insisting it’s silly paranoia.
For politicians to make such a major move, there has to be a strong interest or concern amongst electorate. In a matter of weeks, Trump obliterated the idea that this is silly paranoia, and there’s a strong sense of halt! Fuck no! reverse, hard! So I think it is completely different this time.lets hope it “sticks”. Any class in economics say “diversify your portfolio”, Canada needs just that. 10% hit is less than 90% hit if you’re dealing with multiple partners.
Now think of all the jobs to secure a massive border that didn’t need to be guarded for generations!
Pierre 2025, save our country from another liberal failure.
Poilievre is Canada’s right-wing aligned with Trump. He will sell us out.
Dudes said nothing but the complete opposite the entire time he’s been leader of the opposition. Bring jobs to Canada, Canada first, ect. This is made up bullshit that he would “sell out” anything.
Read the CPC platform, your opinion will change real quick.
Seems pretty awesome.
Sure if you want canada to end up like the us
Canada needs to do some things like the US, there’s no getting around it.
Getting more resources out of the ground, across the country, and to trade partners is critical. It always has been, and the liberals have opposed this for decades.
The things Mark has done so far that people seem to like are mostly things the opposition has been saying for several years.
Interprovincial trade barriers? Gone. Pipeline across the country? Probably will not happen with the liberals. Carbon Tax? Well, it’s being hidden somewhere else. I could go on.
There’s no reason the think the last ten years of complete stagnation, scandals and lies will not continue especially given a majority of the party remains the same.
I’m more concerned about Carneys global elitist buddy’s at WEF and blackrock then I am about anything Pierre has talked about.
No, we don’t need to do like the us. Unless you want fascist. Getting rid of interprovincial trade barriers is good. Pipeline across the country? Not great. The carbon tax was good. The last 10 years weren’t complete stagnation, scandals and lies, at least not more than harpers reign. I’m more concerned about Pierre’s association and trumpism than carneys WEF contacts
There is no liberal party, there is no ndp.
There is you, the frog, and the scorpion, the conservative party. And every election the scorpion will ask you to let it ride across the river on your back.
Ah yes I’m the traitor, not the liberals who go out of their way to attack law abiding citizens by taking their property.
Maybe go after actual reoffending criminals instead of wasting tax payers money? Crazy.
Except liberals don’t go out of their way to attack law abiding citizens by taking their property? Wanting Pierre to be elected so you can have moar guns is a stupid reason to elect him. I too have firearms and I’m not stupid enough to vote for pp
Except liberals don’t go out of their way to attach law abiding citizens by taking their property?
How can you be a PAL/RPAL holder and even say that? We’ve all gone through the legal process of obtaining our licenses and endure the daily background checks, you of all people should know that we aren’t the ones contributing to the vast increase in firearm related crime.
So yes, they are attacking law abiding citizens.
How can you be a PAL/RPAL holder and even say that? We’ve all gone through the legal process of obtaining our licenses and endure the daily background checks, you of all people should know that we aren’t the ones contributing to the vast increase in firearm related crime.
Because guns aren’t a right, they are a privilege, being a law abiding citizen in this regard means… abiding by the laws? Which mean following the laws? I don’t like the way it was done. I know we don’t contribute to crimes but whatever, I’m not under attack, neither are you. Voting for Pierre just for guns is stupid