Cat fishing (maybe it’s called fishing with cat?) glad you already did for detective, cat quest 1-3, trine is pretty laid back, Thomas was alone, undertale,
Cat fishing (maybe it’s called fishing with cat?) glad you already did for detective, cat quest 1-3, trine is pretty laid back, Thomas was alone, undertale,
You scared me with “Xbox games pass games leaving”, I thought Micro$oft was pulling support, I know there’s rumor of them trying a handheld console.
Steam gave a user 4,000 in free games, but his library is valued at 372k? 37k games… That’s like 30 cents per game? I feel like wherever these numbers came from is kinda wonky
EU should tariff the shit out of our exports and buy Ukrainian grain instead of American products.
Gotcha, sorry my comprehension failed me.
I checked out (searched steam for) the highest rated game mentioned in your post, I’m not surprised it didn’t get much press coverage, honestly it’s probably better for that game to fly beneath the coverage radar.
I think you missed a word in paragraph 4, “got press attention even though, in a lot of cases, they had a large player base” I believe you meant to add a negative before “got press attention”, or got little press attention
That was my thought, nobody in their right mind (least of all paranoid rich people) would use a third party service that requires them to announce they’re someone of value.
Going to doubt this one.
Trump is Putin’s ally. America is not Trump.
Still no PvE,
Still no reason to have shut down the original
Idiocracy was prophetic, just way too optimistic in the timeline.
Downloaded the shin magami tensi 5 demo,
Have never played any of that series.
Read it was a bit like persona (could never get into it because I don’t care about managing the day to day activities of a high schooler), was pretty happy to learn that it wasn’t (at least as far as I’ve gotten), it reminds me of the game boy color game ‘dragon warrior monsters’
I thought about buying it, but I have so many unplayed games already, and while I enjoy a good monster collector game, I couldn’t justify pulling the trigger.
Also it was a bit too similar to persona, when it did go on that direction, for me to be confident it wouldn’t jerk back in that direction.
Maybe when I have all the time in the world I’ll put time and money into that game, for now it’s a half completed demo on my deck.
Defenders quest 2 just released after 10 years of development! I’ve been having a very enjoyable time with that, the initial launch was rough on the deck but the first patch worked out the interface issues it was having.
Infinitode 2 (I guess I have a thing for tower defense games)
And some ‘tiny rogue’
Also tried ‘cat goes fishing’, but a couple things are irking me about it, it’s enjoyable enough and was cheap enough that I’m not upset.
Fired up ‘prodeus’ for the first time since activating it from a humble bundle (I think?) it has all the good feelings of the original doom, it’s just a bit too stressful for me, especially at midnight when I tried playing it.
‘boxes’ is a kinda meh puzzle game, it’s a bit high on its own farts, if it wants to be as deep and philosophical as I think it does, it needs to have much better puzzles, but if I ignore the story and don’t think too much about the ‘why not just break the glass’ it’s an enjoyable enough game.
The air force isn’t bombing Canadian cities, GTFO with that.
Unlike Ukraine Canada has nukes, so yeah…
Damn, no more wayner-isms.
Thanks Obama. /s
This was the one I came to recommend as well.
Seems like that flag breaks a commandment or two. But I don’t expect anyone to have actually read the damned things
Most played is going to go to backpack battles thanks to my wife hitting it nearly every night.
Most surprising would be path of exile 2, I didn’t expect it to work so well right off the early access launch
I’m buying at least one of them!
I don’t know which one…
Very funny it all happened on the same day
“streaming is worse than cable now” is it though?
I stream for weeks on end without a single ad, watching only what I want. I go to an older person’s house and I hear the same friggin commercial jingles, the same canned studio laughter, and shows that are designed for the stupidest common denominator.
I grew up in the era of Saturday morning cartoons. My brain was liquidified on cereal commercials. I won’t allow cable into my house under any circumstances.
But I do agree that we should learn from too easily replacing the working with the next big thing without any regulations on how the next big thing is allowed to operate
Probably would recommend avoiding dredge XD