Thanks for the writeup. It helps to know where to look to make an informed decision, when I finally have the time to sit down and de-google.
Thanks for the writeup. It helps to know where to look to make an informed decision, when I finally have the time to sit down and de-google.
Yeah I never doubted you’d have a reason to dismiss being called out like that. Getting your feelings hurt invalidates everything else. I feel like I’m talking to myself from 10 years ago.
You don’t have to take it from me. If you’re a student of history, maybe start with Umberto Eco. He knew a thing or two about fascism, I’ve heard.
The biggest mistake we can make is to assume it can’t happen again.
So yes they’re fascist, but the progressives complained too much about racism, and therefore it’s fine to support the fascists?
IDK what to tell you but your political ideology is privileged garbage. You’re more scared of being called racist than of fascism. The kind of “yes ethnic cleansing but please no mean language” attitude. Please get a political education and your priorities straight.
Escape from Tuta for what reason if you’re willing to share? I see it recommended a lot.
He directly profits from Proton subscriptions. As does the rest of the leadership which seem to back him on this.
A comparison of singing the praises for a modern proto-fascist movement with “secretly loving Windows” is… certainly something.
Mate they’re mainstreaming fascist rhetoric. Over 60% of Republicans now believe in the Great Replacement theory aka White Genocide, which used to be a conspiracy theory on the fringes of white nationalist propaganda just about a decade ago.
I encourage you to not get hung up on symbolism and instead look to ideology and rhetoric.
The flaw was to assume there’s a connection between what Republicans say and what they do.
In what way?
Asolute security doesn’t exist, it’s always a trade-off with cost, time investment, and convenience.
This is in reference to Trump, yes, not Andy Yen?
What good does that do as long as the internet is run by private corporations?
It is currently under legal review, though unfortunately caught up in Realpolitik and unlikely to go anywhere due to the government disbanding.
Fact is the center-right always has a bullshit reason to sit on their hands. They stopped the NPD review years ago saying they aren’t popular enough to be a threat. Now with AfD they say they’re too popular to be banned.
Institutions and laws are meaningless if they aren’t used as intended.
Honey’s base business model probably falls apart without some linkjacking. You go to a website to buy something and it says no no go buy it from these people instead.
That’s not what Honey does.
I think you misread my comment. I didn’t call you a fascist, I simply called out two points where your comparison falls flat.