You are being deliberately obtuse and using other accounts to mark yourself up so no more food for you.
You are being deliberately obtuse and using other accounts to mark yourself up so no more food for you.
Pirates are not state sponsored they are self motivated and opportunist, the people responsible here are likely reluctant state operatives, possibly not fully aware of the consequences.
Remember these are not pirates they are crew being told what to do with families back in Mother Russia and a great many pressures on them. Better a trial with all the details spewing forth and Russia blaming birdstrike and threatening armageddon over a cable.
We should not expect greatness from the men who create these corporations, they are not great men, they are not even good or especially intelligent men. They fell into their position by luck, the one in a million triers for whom circumstance clicked into position. The only thing that sets them apart and perhaps accounts for their success is how they are so consistently open to sycophancy and manipulation by the pack of cold and savage business graduates that flock to any form of success. When a person is against type, as seemingly is the case here, they stand out and just once in a while are capable of real greatness.
An extremely public trial would be more effective.
I do think it is a bit gimmicky and the problem it seeks to address could be more practically solved in other more conventional ways, but it is an attempt and a first iteration and has merit for that and who knows where it will end up, maybe all our screens will expand and contract like the windows within them one day.
I always saw it more as pragmatism relating to humanity and being possibly extended to machine intelligence by association. When you talk with another person you have no real way of knowing that they are separate conscious entities, intelligent and self aware in the way you perceive yourself to be. But if they talk and act in a way that is suggestive of that then the best and simplest working practice is to assume it. This same practicality should extend to include artificial intelligence as applicable.
A lot of current laptop designs are leaving free space around the battery so more AI can be poured in at a later date, through a dedicated nipple presumably.
I had thought when I posted that to put ‘no justifiable gain’ but did not for some reason, maybe it ruined the flow but with hindsight and as you and others have explained perhaps it should be there.
They need a catchy name for it, something like Security Squadron.
‘May or may not’ thanks for the insight.
Ok it has the ‘capacity’ to charge in 12 minutes - can you smell smoke?
Can you make it more ugly and prone to mechanical failure for no gain.
They are moving into Africa like they think they are Old Europe.
Shocking how quickly people will fall in line with a burgeoning dictatorship. Everyone thinks they are an Oscar Schindler but really they are a Hugo Boss.
This is a search engine showing open evidence of skewing results away from true for their own motivations. Slightly comic when it is Microsoft doing it to Google but if they do this so blatantly how else are they more subtly redirecting our searches towards biased or even false results that benefit them and misinform the user.
The title alone shows admittance that leaving Meta signals virtue and good character.