If you go with dwarf fortress get DFHack. It’s free on steam as well. You can automate some aspects of the game so you can learn one mechanic at a time instead of getting swarmed by everything all at once.
Lots of good guides online to. Nookrium and Blind helped me understand what the hell was happening.
I couldn’t say as I haven’t played Caves, but I really enjoyed dwarf fortress! It’s quite difficult though and I’m honestly not sure what the article was on about adventure mode being more accessible. I thought it was more difficult!
Agreed! But then again, it depends on the player I think. Someone that loves DND and never played SimCity I guess… maybe? I come from a background the other way around XD
Which poison do I pick first, Dwarf Fortress or Caves of Qud?
If you go with dwarf fortress get DFHack. It’s free on steam as well. You can automate some aspects of the game so you can learn one mechanic at a time instead of getting swarmed by everything all at once.
Lots of good guides online to. Nookrium and Blind helped me understand what the hell was happening.
Blind definitely helped me understand DF a lot better.
I couldn’t say as I haven’t played Caves, but I really enjoyed dwarf fortress! It’s quite difficult though and I’m honestly not sure what the article was on about adventure mode being more accessible. I thought it was more difficult!
Adventure mode is more accessible compared to the previous versions of DF, but still more difficult than Fortress mode which is still difficult.
Agreed! But then again, it depends on the player I think. Someone that loves DND and never played SimCity I guess… maybe? I come from a background the other way around XD
i reckon qud is the smaller burden between the two. in terms of both how much you’ll need to learn, and how much of your life it will eat once you do.