BB being able to protect itself from the big players is actually a success story of patents. The 800 lb gorilla’s of the industry never made as good of a keyboard, but if they could have copied BB’s superior design, they would have stomped them in a heartbeat.
There’s a lot of shit about what happens for a dying company and selling patents and so forth that absolutely is scummy. Serious discussion needs to happen there, but calling for them to be abolished? That’s just naive.
Shout-outs to the updates that have come along to fortress mode as well. More soundtrack (and it’s so good) and so many little quality of life things.
They’ll be going back to more regular updates to fortress mode now as well.
Agreed! But then again, it depends on the player I think. Someone that loves DND and never played SimCity I guess… maybe? I come from a background the other way around XD
Here’s my try: Anthology movie. Each one fights larger and larger hordes of enemies while trying to find loot and spells.
Meanwhile death does the narration and the whole time waxes on about mortality.
No vampires ever appear on screen.
Boots up gaming PC
Load up Steam
Steam: “Hey, I see MS are being assholes - click here to install SteamOS instead”
Reboot PC
Millions of people never run windows again
I’m dreaming but that would be amazing. That would make this the year of the Linux desktop. C’mon GabeN, make it happen!