The tool, which is able to cut lines at depths of up to 4,000 metres (13,123 feet) – twice the maximum operational range of existing subsea communication infrastructure – has been designed specifically for integration with China’s advanced crewed and uncrewed submersibles like the Fendouzhe, or Striver, and the Haidou series.
Exactly what I’ve been screaming. Hang the captain and first mate, scuttle the fucking ship. This shit needs to be treated as piracy, no quarter given.
Luckily capital punishment is banned in most countries.
And that attitude is why China continues to test us, they know we’re pussies. You should see what they’re pulling on Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea.
I really don’t care.
Capital punishment is immoral and that’s that.
Glad you’re in a society that is able to entertain that notion. Looks like that society is going to collapse. Good luck.