As the title says I’m looking for a good alternative for Heliboard. I’ve tried a few of them and:
- Heliboard is my favorite but the suggestions are a bit meh, sometimes it doesn’t suggest correctly or does not auto correct me. Sometimes it does but sometimes it doesn’t
- Futo is goat in suggestions compared to Heliboard but it doesn’t have an much personalization as Heliboard (even if Heliboard isnt goat on that aspect). I can’t change symbols layout based on my taste (or muscle memory tbh), themes are a nothing crazy IMO, I wish I was able to make my own but its currently set to “coming eventually”
- FlorisBoard was my first ever open source keyboard but at that time, it didn’t have suggestions but placeholders so I uninstalled it because I need them
I’m looking for a few things (ordered by importance):
- Multilanguage support for correction. Is it even possible? Before switching from Samsung Keyboard to Pixel + Foss keyboard, I think there was something similar but I could be wrong (Top priority but at the same time is optional if not possible/hard to have)
- Great correction for multiple languages (IMHO Futo is superior to everything I’ve tried)
- Customization: Symbols layout, I want to set my own symbols and “subsymbols” (? The hold to show more)
- Customization: Themes. I want to be able to change the colors of the keys/background/etc basically how Samsung Keyboard is customizable with the Keyboard plugin in Good Lock (or some nice themes with limited personalization but I would love to set my own colors
Typing now with heliboard and yeah, its not ideal. But I still like it best. Good luck with your hunt.
Yeah I’m on FUTO. I haven’t found better. I’m happy with it.
Swiftkey used to be great but Microsoft is the company that wants to take screenshots of your banking info and put them on a silver platter for hackers. Dumb to use what they make when you can help it. A Microsoft keyboard is still better than, say, a facebook keyboard, but not by enough.
My banking app doesn’t open if Heliboard is set as my default keyboard.
Pain in the ass
I’ve resigned to just using the stock keyboard. It’s terrible, and always autocorrects my “The” to “Tue” for some reason, but I can live with it. Heliboard really was underwhelming, and AnySoft had some issues not showing a normal keyboard on certain inputs.