Warner Bros. is also canceling the Wonder Woman game.

This is maybe the biggest bloodbath we’ve seen in this industry? What a damn shame.

  • msage@programming.dev
    11 days ago

    You pay someone to do X with a contract; they

    • take your money
    • not do X
    • instead show the idea of X, which is yours, as THEIR product, which doesn’t even work
      • voliating non-disclosure agreements in your contract
      • doing untold damage to your business plans

    Yeah, I don’t know about anything else, but fuck Matt with a cactus.

    • CosmoNova@lemmy.world
      11 days ago

      Stories like these sound wild to most people but sadly they happen all the time. It‘s literally how Google got this big. Still makes me mad how they robbed and trolled Terravision out of their code now known as Google Earth. Not like it‘s a flagship for Google or money maker but they still literally stole the code via hard drive like they stole from so many others. The tech world is full of absolute asshats leeching off of the most talented. It‘s very evident in today‘s tech culture full of crypto, AI and whatnot.

      • Krudler@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        I’ll tell you a secret. And this is coming from somebody that was at the top-top Top of the gaming world for 2 decades… 95% of tech people are complete frauds and charlatans. Its a miracle anything ever gets made. Look at today’s coders… they don’t even know what a computer does, they just download other people’s modules, cobble them together and pray. The vast majority of people who self-identify as being in “comp sci” don’t even understand the very basics.

          • Krudler@lemmy.world
            10 days ago

            Nobody wants to hear them. Because I disabuse people of their cherished views and it doesn’t end well. Thanks though.

            • msage@programming.dev
              10 days ago

              Oh I feel like I’m well over any optimistic views on anything. I’ve seen mountains of dollars go to absolute waste more than once, I’ve seen projects succeed despite the absurd negligence of everyone involved, and lies above lies above lies.

              So I will find your stories amusing at the very least.

              Hit me up in DMs if you don’t want to go public.

              • Krudler@lemmy.world
                9 days ago

                I mean I’m open to conversation, I love talking and I love sharing with other humans! You or anyone else can feel free to DM me

                Please before you read on, it’s going to get ugly, and know that it is not directed at you. I will leave it at that, proceed at your own risk.

                In the public facing area of SM I find that I am very frank and no-nonsense and I will just state the truth, no matter how unpleasant the recipients may find it. I was on BBSs before I was on the Internet, and the Internet before the Web existed. My friend Julian and his friend Frank were the two biggest phreakers in my city and Frank did 10 years for some crazy motherfucking advanced nasty digital shit involving financial transactions. Frank sourced me with an embarrassment of riches in terms of piracy, and enabled me to run my own “game rental service” in Junior High. I have the resume to back my stuff up and I have so many first in gaming I don’t want to hear one motherfucking word of backtalk from anybody who thinks they know more than I do. I did more in the first 5 years of my career than most people will do in their entire lives. I did not just cobble together shit, I literally innovated stuff, I built the things that people now use to build things. And I was doing it with some amazing people along the way. One of them is a major executive at a semiconductor corporation to this day and he’s one of my best buds. Him and I got John fucking Romero kicked out of the CGDC in 1997 for being a drunken boor. Another peer has done digital film work on probably every single film that you have ever seen. I could carry on like an asshole, but I’m just scratching the surface I want you to know.

                When I was still a student (e: 1 yr digital media crash course, prior to that it was pure programming and hacky compsci) I won a worldwide multimedia contest. I had made a dentistry simulator where you could actually do surgery on a patient. I conceived, wrote, storyboarded, assembled a team, project managed, budgeted, produced the entire thing myself essentially because at that point I was teaching the teachers. I won 1500 US dollars & my school was awarded $30,000 licenses of software. I wrote the very first plug-in enabled game on the Web that wasn’t just click click, it was a mini golf game for the Swedish mini golf association. I literally programmed my own physics simulation for it. I made the very first touchscreen internet enabled network of gaming systems. I personally made 12 published games for those systems. I made the software and games for North America’s first gaming cafe. I made the very first online parimutuel gaming system. I developed a 3D tennis game that you could play in a web browser and I believe it was a world’s first. I programmed a computer AI that was so advanced he could fucking slay you in a convincing fashion and you would have no way of knowing it was computer controlled unless you knew.

                Game systems I developed and licensed are on river boats right now being played by people. I ran one of the first Web studios where I worked with an amazing programmer named Josh and I think WordPress stole his idea. We made a dump truck of money because I was smart enough to do radio ads, advertising to people who are too behind to use the Web but had businesses. I was the lead developer for gameloft.com. I developed the first online gaming software deployed by state-run lottery corporations. I wrote two books on a piece of multimedia software, I wrote the bilingual curriculum for three years of a multimedia college - That’s while I was also running my own game studio from my apartment in Montreal and punching out games in my underwear on Saturday morning and selling them for 8,000 bucks. I made an entire development framework for a company that did pharmaceutical drug sales CD-ROMs to the tune of $20 million per contract. Ran two extremely successful game studios until the golden handcuffs took me to the desks. Started the very first house doctor PC service in my city and I made so much money I stopped answering the phone. This does not even cover 30% of the things I’ve done. I did all of this completely self-taught with virtually no education beyond grade 10. I basically failed high school because I was so mentally ill from them trauma of my family life. I promise I am not bending the truth in the slightest.

                Heard every ill-conceived, half-baked opinionation on gaming and I’m exhausted and I’m done with the kid gloves. I really don’t give a flying fuck how much a person likes video games or thinks they’re great or is in love with them or wants to be a game developer, I’m sick to death of it. Nobody has a motherfucking word to say to me and I literally don’t care. I’m a very very open person, I crave knowledge, you don’t get where I went by being an ignorant. But it’ll be a world’s first if you can show up at my door and tell me something I don’t know.

                And I’m sorry to say that really I truly am, because it makes me sound like a fuck face. But if you don’t want to hear what I have to say, stay the fuck out of my inbox because I don’t have time for dildos who dare to tell me how anything works.

                I leader boarded Diablo 3 solo. Fucking solo with my own build that everybody jeered me for. When my dad took me to the city’s first arcade when I was 6 I had a run on Mousetrap that went on so long the arcade owner asked me to stop. I played games that my dad’s hacker friends made to run on the Met Service of Canada’s Cray supercomputer… which predated Pong. When I was in grade two they used to pull me out of class and put me in a closet with a beautiful woman with freckles who would teach me computers and I’m telling you that thing was like a huge player piano with a print reel 6 ft wide. On that computer that had less power than a talking greeting card and no monitor, I made a horse race game when I was 7 years old. When I was 23 years old the Canadian Nat’l Snooker team specifically approached me and petitioned me to play for them but I refused because snooker was my peaceful place. I beat Cliff Thorburn in snooker. I thinder-punched Alain Martel “The Dancing Bear” at 9 ball while I was shit faced on a Thursday afternoon in some crummy local pool hall

                I am literally made of games. The same way Stevie Wonder is literally made of music, I, game.

                Most of the time, the things people believe to be true are completely insane once you understand the underlying nuances and layers. Or more accurately the individual molecules. When you’ve built the tools that built the tools that built the games.

                And here’s a statement that will piss people off- one doesn’t stand at the top of the gaming industry for two decades when you lick somebody else’s asshole and sniff their farts, one leads the pack. And I did lead the pack and everybody followed me and stole my work and did what I did. Literally entire features were added to Macromedia software simply because I was taking the software places even the creators didn’t know it could go.

                So everybody wants to follow the leader but nobody wants to hear him say how it is, because that hurts their feelings and ego. And after going through 4 years of therapy and now being 10 years sober from severe demon drinking, I can confidently say there’s some bizarre fucking issues going on with people who both want to hear my words, and yell at me once I say them