We can call it west Taiwan if you prefer that.
We can call it west Taiwan if you prefer that.
A lot of assumptions and not a single argument.
You are not a serious person
Never heard that expression. Is it a direct translation from Chinese? Odd thing to say repeatedly.
It’s a mass murdering dictator’s propaganda book and nothing else. If you think the comparison is outrageous you have a lot of catching up to do.
Anyone who knows anything about Communist China has been telling you that the entire time. There’s a reason they’re flooding the global market with EVs at pretty much a loss.
I mean yeah TikTok heavily buried criticism against the Communist Party as well, but it wasn’t flat out banned to talk about how a state deals with religion. It is on Red Book (actual translation of the chinese name of the app and yes it is named after Mao’s “Mein Kampf” type of book)
They are probably not all that thrilled. They’re completely censoring their internet and run own, chinese speaking apps abroad to stay in control of the narrative and their citizens. Having a bunch of friendly Americans hop on the app to show them how we’re all just humans on this silly planet is kind of a nightmare for the bureau of propaganda in Beijing.
It’s not that outrageous to ban a propaganda machine. The rest of the world should follow suit and restrict access to not only TikTok but Xitter, ChatGPT and everything Facebook too by how things are handled in these companies right now. They’re all answering to anti-democratic governments and threaten our freedom.
Most likely banned because the rules on that app are insane. It’s made for chinese people abroad and the chinese government does not want a bunch of foreigners there anyway.
Actually it’s a dumb point because everyone and their mom already know he got boosted. Both of them should shut up and stop showing their face in public thank you very much.
I can‘t even tell for sure who of the two you’re talking aboout but I agree either way.
You mean wolf warrior rhetoric? I’ve heard plenty of that and it’s just as cringe. Europe and the rest of the world has to step up to these bullies before they swallow everything that’s good about our Democracies.
Guess I‘ll pretend to despise them and call them fascists then.
We‘ve learned long ago that whenever someone declares war on a concept, they’re full of shit and that very concept is about to spiral out of control.
They don‘t talk back. Too busy browsing their phone.
So you don‘t use extensions at all then because you‘re already sniffing the uBlock Origin scandal?
Those apps are legitimately dead. They just haven’t caught up yet.
Sales and probably pricing itself. With a gap this large, the price of the 5090 might be more than twice as high as that of the 5080 and people would still buy it.
It may look innocent until the Chatbot nags you about buying that very cool new product they’ve heard so much praise about. This is very dangerous and needs tons of regulations.