Just wondering since I know a lot of people quietly use a screen-area-select -> tesseract OCR -> clipboard shortcut.
- I separate subjects of interest into different Firefox windows, in different workspaces – so I have an extension title them and a startup script parse text to ask the compositor to put them in the correct workspace (lets me restart more conveniently).
- I have automatically-set different-orientation wallpapers for using my 2-in-1 depending on whether I use it in portrait or landscape (kind of just for looks, but I don’t think if anyone else adds a wallpaper change to their screen rotation keybind).
I have stickers on it, some of them hand drawn by my daughters.
I use many KDE activities all mapped to a single hotkey. Meta+H, Meta+J, Meta+K, then L, Y, U, G.
I set my browser and maybe one other as sticky to show on all. I also have specific desktop picture for all of them.
On top of that I have a startup command that opens all applications I use for work. Each application is configured to open in a certain activity.
The end result is that instead of doing Alt-Tab or looking for the window I do Meta+Key and it’s there in front of my eyes with focus.
I’m using XFCE with Compiz, and since I have two monitors I have a 3D octagon instead of a 3D cube desktop.
I use this app (webapps is the name I think) to make apps for YouTube, Mubi and TorrentLeech and I have then pinned on the task bar and use them as apps instead of webpages. This is in my hometheater pc
My applications menu icon (or the “start” menu for the philistines) is a 🐢.
I use KDE’s defaults.
That’s sick man! Get some help!
I made a user for my partner
I also have a user for your partner
Take my poor man’s gold
Does stuff I wrote myself count?
Apache server that has a bunch of webpages that are all configured by simple JSON files and loaded by PHP. The pages have buttons on them which when pressed enter macros. So I push “Deploy Landing Gear” and Shift+alt+F8 or some obscure as fuck combination no one would ever use normally gets pressed and the game can be set to use that keybind. Most of it is for simple immediate key presses but also made a few for macros as well.
The HTML/PHP that runs the show is a grand total of 2018 bytes, including comments. Plus a fairly bloated 2444 byte CSS file that includes some button colour options that I never use now because I decided they look ugly. Should update some of the background images though, my sheet steel Faulcon DeLacy logo looks a bit basic.
I have Syncthing set up to copy save data between my pc and steam deck, but not just for emulator stuff: its got my entire modded minecraft directory and my balatro modloader nn there too.
Syncthing is great and incredibly easy to use. I have mine set to sync my Obsidian notes so I don’t have to pay for the official service.
I have tried multiple different open source note apps that offer free local sync, but I can’t find anything I like. It frustrates me because I love open source.
wait how does your clipboard shortcut work op? that sounds nifty!
I think I mentioned it but here it is again in case the comment didnt federate
click to enlarge
# snippet based on end4 dotfiles -- FIXME edge case where a # preexisting tmp.png might be overwritten # English bind = Super+Shift,T,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l eng "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png" # Korean bind = Super+Shift,K,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l kor "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png" # Japanese bind = Super+Shift,J,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l jpn "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png"
Pipe grim and slurp (selects part of the Wayland screen then copies) into a tmp.png, tesseract it into the clipboard, then delete the tmp.png. Has like 1 sec of lag tho :]
why do you even need a temporary file?
$ slurp | grim -g - - | tesseract stdin stdout -l eng+kor+jpn | wl-copy -t 'text/plain'
I spilled a glass of scrumpy on the keyboard and a, s, and d no longer work. So I have to use a keyboard with it.
So you have to use a keyboard with your keyboard…
With my laptop.
While I doubt the concept is unique, the script is: a keyboard shortcut will check the clipboard for a YouTube link and then show launcher options for
, including launch arguments for lower quality format and audio only. It launches that in a terminal for easier handling when yt-dlp doesn’t work properly (much more common if using proxies, but also if a video is age-restricted or deleted).So when I see a yt link here, I can just copy it, keyboard shortcut and then it’s playing in my local video player.
edit: here’s the script. It assumes
(clipboard access),rofi
(menu creator),gnome-terminal
(terminal) andnotify-send
(system notification on failure) are installed and working, you’ll need to replace any which don’t match your system. My DE just runs it in bash when the shortcut is entered.Code (click to expand)
#!/bin/bash ARR=() ARR+=("mpv full") ARR+=("mpv medium") ARR+=("yt-dlp") NORMAL_URL=`xsel -ob | sed -r "s/.*(v=|\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}).*/https:\/\/youtube.com\/watch?v=\2/"` CHOICE=$(printf '%s\n' "${ARR[@]}" | rofi -dmenu -p "mpv + yt-dlp from clipboard") DOWNLOAD="false" MPV="false" OPTIONS="" if [ "$CHOICE" = "mpv full" ]; then MPV="true" fi if [ "$CHOICE" = "mpv medium" ]; then MPV="true" OPTIONS+="'--ytdl-format=bv*[height<721]+ba' " fi if [ "$CHOICE" = "yt-dlp" ]; then DOWNLOAD="true" fi if [ $MPV == "true" ]; then COMMAND="mpv $OPTIONS $NORMAL_URL" gnome-terminal --title "$NORMAL_URL" -- bash -c "echo $COMMAND;$COMMAND;if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then notify-send 'yt-dlp failed' $NORMAL_URL; bash; fi;" elif [ $DOWNLOAD == "true" ]; then COMMAND="yt-dlp $OPTIONS $NORMAL_URL" gnome-terminal --title "$NORMAL_URL" -- bash -c "echo $COMMAND;$COMMAND;if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then notify-send 'yt-dlp failed' $NORMAL_URL; bash; fi;" fi
Uh this sounds awesome, care to share?
Uh I would be interested in that actually! Nowadays Youtube generates lots of problems with freetube due to their cookie bullshit and I feel with mpv(yt-dlp) in cli I at least have the option to see whats going on.
When I press Super + PrtSc, a bash script performs the following:
Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop (import -window root) and saves it as ~/screenshot.png…
Analyzes the screenshot to calculate the “mean brightness” value of the image. It converts the image to grayscale and determines the average pixel brightness (a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is black and 1 is white).
Checks if the image is dark by comparing the mean brightness to a threshold of 0.2. If the mean brightness is less than 0.2 (i.e., the image is very dark), it applies a negative filter to the image (convert -negate), effectively inverting the colors (black becomes white and vice versa).
Sends the image to a printer (lp command) named MF741C-743C for printing.
Honestly I print out anything my little kiddo does at school on his Chromebook, and some stuff has black backgrounds. I got tired of wasting toner so I made a script that would print a negative screenshot if it’s a dark image. One keystroke and I get what I want
That’s a really neat use case!
And a very clever implementation.
I use my DE mostly as it comes, that’s got to be unique in this community
Some people use plasma because they like how configurable it is. I do like that, but I’m also drawn to it because of its great defaults.
The main ways I change it are setting my background (on my work activity I have it selecting from various company related backgrounds while on my personal activity it uses a selection of my favourites of my own photos) and adjusting the bottom panel.
I have an old gamer keyboard with extra programmable keys on the side, which I use for cut, copy, paste, close tab, close window, etc. Logitech provides drivers/software for Windows & Mac only.
To make it work I have a custom monkey-patched USB driver that I compiled from source, some weird daemon that interacts with the driver and some shell scripts on top of that. I’m not sure how but it works thanks to a 9 year old youtube video made by a guy from eastern europe somewhere.