Aviation industry delegates outnumbered those from green groups by 10 to one at the previous conference of the UN’s committee on aviation environmental protection (CAEP), an analysis has found.

Other recent meetings held by CAEP’s parent body, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), were sponsored by large fossil fuel companies and airlines, including Saudi Aramco and Etihad. Critics accuse the ICAO of having been captured by the industry, resulting in slow efforts to tackle the climate crisis by reducing the carbon emissions from aircraft.

The next meeting of CAEP begins on Monday but there is no public information on its agenda or the people who will be running the conference. The ICAO has been criticised for a lack of transparency that contrasts sharply with, for example, the UN’s climate body.

The ICAO does not routinely make its meeting documents freely available, instead charging hundreds of dollars for password-protected copies. Neither the media nor the public can attend CAEP conferences, and observer delegates are required to sign non-disclosure agreements that incur “unlimited financial liability”.

  • Ledivin@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    What do you mean capitalism is doing capitalist things?!? That so unexpected and completely unheard of!

    It’s almost as if our government is against regulations as a whole, and this administration is making it even worse!