Anybody got recommendations for some good idle games?
I went down the rabbit hole of idlers last year.
Fortunately it doesn’t cost any money but I saw that one as pretty high tier among the ones I played.
I’m “playing” Melvor Idle right now, and am looking for something similar, when I eventually finish it.
I would like something that doesn’t have to run all the time and can progress offline, and doesn’t need a lot of interaction most of the time. In Melvor you can just start training a skill, and then just wait. No excessive clicking, no rebirth, just waiting for numbers to get bigger.
Unnamed Space Idle?
It is pretty similar to Melvor, you have a space ship instead of a character. Ship automatically shoots baddies and goes forward. You upgrade the ship, it’s parts, etc. Proceed to idle, harveste materials, craft stuff, collect bonuses, unlock new tiers of stuff… etc. It looks a bit amateurish, but it’s pretty cool as far as idlers go.
It has offline progress, cloud saves & works on linux too. And apparently you can share your progress with android version too - but I dunno for sure, haven’t tried.
There are mtx available, but even the game tells you they’re not really needed, they’re there for giving support to the dev - and I can confirm, the game isn’t coin operated at all, you gain everything you’d realistically need through gameplay at reasonable pace.
Thanks, gonna check that out.
if/when you get stuck / progress feels horrendously slow/stalled, the wiki is pretty up to date and offers great info - but imo, only check it when progress stalls hard, otherwise there be spoilers, a lot of spoilers.
Welcome to space :)
I’ve been having a blast with that one. If you want something in a similar vein, take a look at antimatter dimensions. Again, it is the sort of game that has so many layers and it prone to spoilers.
I’ve played quite a bit of the browser version, but that steam version has stuff in screenshots I don’t think I’ve seen in the browser one… huh.
Might need to check this one out, thanks!
I can’t wait to not play these!
Games you can just let run? Dwarf fortress
I thought you just kept it paused forever until you were sure you weren’t forgetting something
Thanks for this I picked up Crocoloco!
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