Following the armed coup, HTS set up a transitional authority in Syria, whose elements have been waging a violent campaign against the Alawite community and other minority groups. Extrajudicial killings and kidnappings have become the norm in several regions.

Sources recently disclosed to The Cradle that Sharaa is well-informed about the massacres and killings of Alawite and Shia citizens. One source reported that Sharaa told him point blank that he considers this violence to be a legitimate act of revenge that will go unchecked for the foreseeable future. “This (the killings) is normal and may continue for two or three years," Sharaa reportedly said.

    1 month ago

    I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate Are the liberators here? Do I hope or do I fear?

    Turns out they should have feared. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Pre edit : I know red sector A is about a holocaust camp being freed, and they are in fact, liberators. The doubtful sentiment is what matches this article, not the rest of the song.