…idk, I know I’m not really super current with the gaming space, but I don’t think any of the games actually mentioned are really relevant anymore?
I mean…I get the desire to streamline as much of the development of a game as possible, but this kinda sounds like a good way to make a shit game more shit…
Did PUBG put NPCs in due to diminishing player base?
I know it’s easy to jump on the wagon and grab a pitchfork and torch. I’ve read the article, and it seems like a load of pish. If someone more in the know wants to chime in and explain it, I’d like to hear other opinions.
Hope they get this to run in total war because I simply can’t play any of that due to the terrible AI.
Rome Total War was a groundbreaker in AI, one of the first titles to utilize genetic programming for AI on the campaign map.
I wonder how good this turns out. I’m a bit afraid though, I really don’t want core game features gated behind having an Nvidia GPU.