Source mod tools not to be confused with Sourcemod tools.
I feel like OP missed an opportunity to title this post “Fedora Flatpaks Fall Flat”
Great article, BTW
According to Framework support, there are no supported models as of yet.
I have a Framework 13 AMD running Linux Mint. It works great and I love it. Modular IO ports are super nifty.
Here are the downsides as I see them:
I expect 2&3 will come in the future and I can upgrade! The fact that I can upgrade rather than throw it away in the future offsets 1.
A VPN transfers trust from the ISP to a VPN provider
Encrypted DNS does not stop ISPs from seeing the ip addresses of the websites you visit
For anonymity use TOR
I remember when SFC was first introduced, I excitedly wrote a script to invoke it remotely so I could use it on a user’s pc when they called to fix their problem. To this day I have never run that script. This was in 1998.
What are you scared of?
If you are worried your parents will see your browsing history, that is you threat model.
If your concern is government surveillance, you need to do more than just clear your browsing history.