Obsidian files are just Markdown, so there is plenty of software out there today that can parse them. The only thing you might miss is plugins that don’t exist outisd of obsidian.
Obsidian files are just Markdown, so there is plenty of software out there today that can parse them. The only thing you might miss is plugins that don’t exist outisd of obsidian.
Nah their laptops are shit too. We are forced to use them for work and they have sharp uncomfortable edges everywhere, randomly have the fans on maximum (even when in sleep) and sound like a jet plane taking off.
Yup, this degradation is all well understood. The only value I see is studying how a large portion of people use their devices to identify what the expected life actually is with the abuse they put their devices through.
PebbleOS was open sourced and now the original founder who hasn’t worked for alphabet for ages wants to build a new device using the now open sourced OS. No way Google can drop support and they have essentially given the code away because they aren’t using it anymore.
Uber’s support is an actual nightmare to deal with. I had an issue where they charged me significantly more for an order than the website said. Their support just wouldn’t do anything except go through their script and tell me I’m shit out of luck. They only had someone do something when I complained at them on Twitter.
Ideally we can use this strategy to our benefit, tell the North American automakers that there needs to be x readily available models of electric cars with minimum specs at a certain price by a specific date or they will open up the market to China who will eat their lunch.
Time and motion studies can be incredibly effective. My company once wanted to automate some processes and sent me down there to watch the workers and identify the processes we could automate. Talking with the workers and filming a few of them gave me all the information to save well over $1M per year just by making the current process more efficient. Literally cost some people’s time to do the analysis, change some documentation and validate the improvements. Even the workers were happy because they had less waiting around for things to happen and were part of the process.