Regular old live broadcast closed captioning is pretty much ‘good enough’ and that is the standard I’m comparing to.
Actual subtitles created ahead of time should be perfect because they have the time to double check.
Also known as snooggums on and
Regular old live broadcast closed captioning is pretty much ‘good enough’ and that is the standard I’m comparing to.
Actual subtitles created ahead of time should be perfect because they have the time to double check.
Yup, and if it isn’t perfect that is ok as long as it is close enough.
Like getting name spellings wrong or mixing homophones is fine because it isn’t trying to be factually accurate.
Maybe lock your garage so the Chinese can’t get in?
“Mask off” refers to taking off the facade of something and showing their true selves. In the case of meta/twitter/etc. the changing of policy from protecting groups that are discriminated against (ineffectively, but at least pretending to try) to actually promoting hate and discrimination is revealing their true selves as bigots and hate mongers.
Giving a LLM as a source is like giving your hair dresser as a source for things not related to hair dressing, because LLMs are trained on random people’s online posts mixed in with actual knowledgeable people’s posts.
Saying they got info from a LLM makes them less credible that someone who might actually know what they are talking about. They basically admit they don’t have the ability to think for themselves and are just trying to promote using LLMs.
Claude (the LLM) tells me
Humanity is fucking doomed.
Let’s ban centralized for profit social media.
Changing the meaning of what is being summarized is not useful.
Maybe they are fine with abusing personal data but draw the line at literal rape.
At least they have some morals.
Hell, not even that many rich people any more due to all the consolidation.
Just put it on the platform most people are using and don’t add extra steps to see what’s needed.
Most, but not all people should be a deal breaker for a public service announcement.
No, because a focus on quality would require defining quality and then curating the content through some kind of process that would not end up being ‘social media’.
Quality will never be defined by popularity, which is the entire focus of social apps.
Yet I always hear the services are losing money too. How is that even possible?
Massive amounts of money spent on advertising to get that sweet sweet venture capital. Leeching as much money as they can out of the business into the pockets of investors and C suite parasites. Paying lawyers to fight lawsuits due to skirting laws.
Just capitalism things.
Wow, so much energy spent to get worse search results compared to 10 years ago.
That defeats the purpose of doing it in real time as it would introduce a delay.