Aren’t microcode updates erased after restarts?
Aren’t microcode updates erased after restarts?
They could, but what do they think will happen then?
Then you have more demand than supply because there is not enough coffee for everybody. This leads to people queueing and some people leaving without coffee.
What do you mean? There are globally less coffee beans available. Or do you mean the 30%? That’s just an arbitrary number, as I tried to make clear by writing “Let’s say …”.
How about this explanation:
There is a reduced supply of coffee beans. Let’s say 30%. This requires that 30% of customers have to be priced out of the market.
If the coffee shop owners only increase the price by several cents then the demand stays the same. They have to fight for coffee beans which drives up their costs step by step.
However, if they increase the price in advance, and far more than necessary right from the start, then the reduced demand matches the available supply and the value of the coffee beans roughly remains the same which allows them to profit from most of the price hike.
deter another large-scale Russian offensive after any ceasefire
Russia is fighting to prevent NATO troops in Ukrain. Am I mistaken or does this bind Russia to fight until they either collapse or conquer all of Ukrain?
Does GB need a cookie? Why do they toot their own horn?
Edit: Does it not feel out of character to you? There is no ceasefire agreement, just an agreement to participate in negotiations. I would assume that to a British prime minister, that’s not worth mentioning and when the BBC writes it like this, that it is a subtle putdown.