the power to destroy a thing is complete control over it
the power to destroy a thing is complete control over it
if you have nothing to hide why do you close the bathroom door?
I’ve seen some pretty piss poor implementations on streaming apps but if anyone can get it right it’s VLC
I don’t know if losing recreational interactions is worth it for people on actual medication to be able to eat another citrus.
Like, just eat an orange or something, idk.
life didn’t give us lemons, we made them ourselves
it’s not piracy if I’ve paid for it
The problem with that mentality is that you can easily run an OS without support for a very long time and win 10 LTSC support ends in like 2032.
anyone thinking of switching should just dual boot with separate drives and linux as default boot. I still have my windows drive but it’s been a few months since I’ve needed to boot into it at this point and honestly don’t think there’s any reason left.
I mean, I think protests are important but I have to work to stay out of the homeless shelter
You won’t find any if you only use the lo-fi one.
if it works, don’t
enterprise WILL get their moneys worth
Why is the list not just every Chinese company? do they not know how state capitalism works?
The history of tech is littered with superior standards but in this case go look at any video card. We haven’t lost out just yet.
first casualty of war
cat /dev/hda1 | column | lolcat
Sensible tactics don’t mean shit when they’re only necessary to serve a genocidal strategy. Typical lemmy world moment.
Weren’t Palestinians one of the first resistance movements to use suicide bombers?
Taking no prisoners is quite literally the only sensible move against them.
But there’s no need to argue about fair tactics when the overarching strategy is extermination.
This is a solved problem
Shit catches fire in Australia and we get text messages.
It’s the same reason people make fan art or fan fiction. it’s a way to develop technical skill without starting from scratch with creative skills you may have no interest in.