You think so?
You think so?
I do get that to a point. But to express this view so unapologetically is a little painful to see.
Yea, it’s a shame that the American people elected this clown to represent them. I’m really heartbroken they/we didn’t choose better.
Yea, this whole “matters that don’t concern us” take is really scary to me. It scares me that people don’t want to learn from history and realize that it eventually will.
As a Ukrainian living in the US, I appreciate people like you.
As a naturalized American, you have every right to say so.
It scares me that people fail to understand this. Look, no one is suggesting that Americans, or other NATO countries should put their “boots on the ground” in the Ukraine war. But fuck, give them all the weapons they need asap. Stop being a bunch of pussies in deciding whether to give weapons to Ukraine or not. If they had gotten all the weapons they needed sooner, there’s a good chance this war would have been over.
Honestly, I’ve always refused to believe that “most” people are anything (ie., dumb, evil, etc). I But if does put things in question for me that so many people voted for Trump.
Can someone tip me in on why Trump insists on sucking Putin’s pee pee?
I find it sad that the only thing the typical American is concerned with is the price of gas. It makes me realize that the whole concept of “never again” is unrealistic, because people will always be unapologetically selfish and will refuse to learn from history. I really really hope I’m wrong.
I find it interesting that some people think that this war doesn’t, or will not, concern them. Because it absolutely might and it will.
I agree! Regardless of what Zelensky critics say, I don’t think anyone can deny that Zelensky’s PR game is on point. But yeah, as a Ukrainian living in the US, having to witness all of this go down is very difficult, to say the least. But that in now way compares to my relatives, who live in Ukraine under constant bomb threats, have to endure. I wish some of these “aMeRiCa FiRsT” individuals understood this.
Glory to the heroes!
Do these imbeciles realize that they are making America look the weakest it’s ever been? No they don’t because they’re a bunch of dumbasses.
Just donated!
Your mom is awesome and so are you!
Wow! Because YT commenters tend to be a particular kind of stupid.
Well I’m glad that it at least backfired somewhat. Although I thought that his supporters liked it when he’s being a bully.
In truth though, I feel like America has never looked this weak.
bUt wE hAvE oUr oWn PrObLeMs. tHiS dOeSn’T cOnCeRn Us.
Fucking shameful and depressing. Makes me realize that slogans like “never again” are not at all realistic because they’ll always be idiots who think shit doesn’t concern them, until it does.