Hell yeah, thanks for the suggestion!
Hell yeah, thanks for the suggestion!
Most users on Lemmy are Delusional. especially here in /c/Technology – turns out, this community isn’t for technology at all, but rather for bitching about silicon valley companies.
Just in time for Digg to be relaunched.
Mahle SCT/MCT Hybrid no-contact electric motor, the one that doesn’t need brushes or rare earth metals.
This community has done nothing but bitch about technology - there doesn’t seem to be anyone here that actually enjoys technology, so much as they like bitching about technology.
Can we get some actual tech related news please? This is just politics OF a tech company, not tech itself.
I’d love if they went “well, the deal was for these resources in Crimea, and since they’re not under our border any more, we can’t deliver!”
They “rebooted” it by wiping everyone’s progress and then making paid transactions the way to progress. It was doomed from the rework.
Those GPUs to run the AI? Still cheaper than wages! And I’ve met plenty of people in my life that were far dumber than a small LLM.
Crypto-bros killed it. Literally one of their executives just up and dis-a-fucking-ppeared.
CSS is just another tool in a toolbox. Having it doesn’t make one more customizable than the other, being more customizable does. Customization means options. Things you can set, things you can change. Not HOW they’re changed.
Yeah, and a great post too - because some of your points here just point out that everyone ELSE have deprecated PhysX as well. Unity and Unreal both dropped it long ago. It’s basically a moot point for 99.9% of people playing games.
Instead of using a PPU on the GPU, most people have focused on GPGPU physics calculations instead. The idea behind PhysX was a difficult one to launch in the first place. Given that most chip real-estate is going to these VPUs, I’m not surprised at all that they ditched the PPU for a more generalized version.
It only ever got deployed in a few dozen games
Is the only sentence in the entire article you need to be aware of.
This is rage-bait.
This is a list of the games it affects:
Is your consciousness real? How do we measure this? How do you know you’re not just a sufficiently advanced AI in a sandbox?
Return the internet to its glory days of no rules anywhere, imho. Get rid of the crybullies in every corner of the internet by harassing them out of existence. Learn to shitpost with the rest of us.
imho, who the fuck cares? How did we even get on this topic in the first damn place? Nobody mentioned it until the guy bitching mentioned it.
Constantly obsessing over the way things are worded is a game for crybullies who perpetually play victim so they can feel righteous about themselves. PCMR all the way.
This must be the most horrid type of programming work available.
First: You have to deal with Win32 APIs. Which, they’ve kept certain bugs because it break legacy programs.
Second: You have to deal with game programmers. Which, program things in such a way that GPU driver programmers, have to write SPECIAL drivers, so that your game is treated the way these programmers THOUGHT it was supposed to work…
Honestly Arch is fine as a beginner distro for the right person - The benefit of arch is the rolling release model and the fact that it’s closer to edge than other distros. No; I don’t want to use that package that’s 6 months out of date – Compile it myself? Well, then why would I run a ‘stable’ distro then?
Someone being on Linux instead of Windows is enough of a win for me. I’m going to praise whatever way they want to approach it, none of this purism shit.
Likewise, SteamOS is based on Arch because of the way it’s architected in the first place. It’s fine to want that. Now…if this were Gentoo on the other hand…
Joke’s on them, I get all my books from Z-Library anyhow.
Thank you! I’ve been saying this since forever, and all I ever got was (in a shorter form) “Antisemite doesn’t include those people anymore, it’s only for the jewish people”.
Like hell it is! Israel is the biggest antisemite nation of them all.
Something about this post feels…repetitive.