Yeah, I got the cards wrong. They are around a 2080, which is around the same as a 4060. Still not much of an upgrade from an upper end 2000 series, which to me is 2070 and up.
Some dirtbag that shouldn’t have bred.
Yeah, I got the cards wrong. They are around a 2080, which is around the same as a 4060. Still not much of an upgrade from an upper end 2000 series, which to me is 2070 and up.
The current Intel GPUs aren’t better than a RTX 2070, so that won’t be an upgrade if you’re on a higher tier 2000 series.
I just went up to a 4070 Ti from a 2080 Ti, because it was the only worthwhile upgrade. $660 used. So you don’t need to spend $800.
I’m still hearing from people that they’re using an Nvidia 1000 card. I was expecting to hear 2000 instead of 1000, and then it would happen.
At some point it was going to happen, this is just earlier than many thought. The real question is “when is AMD going to have an answer to Nvidia when it comes to RT performance?”
I feel like it’s the same 12 people loudly asking for Bloodbourne.
I’m using this