Trump State Department type discourse lol
Trump State Department type discourse lol
Not sure if that’s true. China+Russia military spending is about on par with NATO when adjusted for PPP. If Europe and the US want to both be able to defend their respective backyards against imperialism, they need to expand their militaries.
From a geopolitics perspective, there are many ways to address “freeriding” in a defense alliance that don’t involve literally betraying the entire defense alliance.
Do these work with European bands? Is it worth shipping to Europe?
Interesting. Feels like it lowers the skill ceiling a bit, but hopefully it makes the game more accessible to everyone.
Nato and some Swedish agencies already use Matrix, Försvarsmakten should help standardize.
The real gulf of America is the gulf that Trump has ripped open between the US and its allies
Been using nix to game on for 2 years. My config is a bit out of date, I haven’t really taken the time to update and optimize it.
helldivers 2 works great for me with nixos. Both native package and flatpak.
Yes, in Europe.
The RT in a lot of those games is broken if DLSS is not turned on. Many games’ implementation of RT is fundamentally broken in terms of providing a glitch free experience.
They are very popular for carshare companies. I have rented a NV200 from a carshare for picking up a TV before and it was a nice experience and very inexpensive.
Unfortunate. Their EVs are a great value.
I dont think people have problems with the use of ray tracing per se, it’s just with Nvidia’s and Unreal’s implementation of it that causes graphical glitches and bad performance for little gain in quality.
Do they have 996 in Taiwan? I thought that was just the PRC?
Ok, but domestic shame has nothing to do with geopolitics. Other actors can act on that shame to influence american politics, I guess.
However, if European leaders start taking up the viewpoint that all Americans are racists and imperialists, then relations will only further deteriorate. Americans could be subject to sanctions and banned from Europe. American refugees will be turned away. Americans will be subject to hate crimes. Trump-aligned fascists will play up Americans’ fears and use the international hatred of Americans to drum up support.
A state’s foreign policy is not, and has never been, equivalent to the culture of it’s people.
I say this as an American immigrant in Europe.
Take foreign policy issues up with the leaders who proposed them. Leave innocent citizens out of this, and support those who resist Trump.
Ethnic and cultural insults only furthers the divide between European and American culture.
I’m talking about the situation in NATO up until now.
The fact that the US is refusing to support the rest of NATO definitely changes things. Europe likely does not have the capacity right now to assist in the Asia-Pacific. If we are talking strictly NATO ex US vs Russia, it is still uncomfortably close. Europe needs to increase defense spending.
The Trump regime currently has their sights on Canada and Greenland, so any defense against Trumpist imperialism will happen there as part of NATO, not the EU.