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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • There is some logic here, having a business relationship with a party that now has a contractual duty to you, is a stronger guarantee than an open source project.

    For instance Windows is source available, to many businesses, so in one sense it’s open source, and the other sense is closed source. From a business perspective that’s a reasonable trade-off sometimes

  • Yeah exactly. So pointing that out is sufficient, and it’s up to every user to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. And I’m sure for most people fdroid is a net positive.

    Now, I want to change gears, and talk about annoying personalities also being really beneficial. Crazy principled people drive change in the world. The open BSD founder, RMS, the graphene founder, these are crazy unreasonable uncompromising people which are difficult to get along, but they drive change. Sometimes we need those uncompromising people. I think putting up with them is the cost of a vibrant ecosystem.

  • Fdroid is introducing another trusted party to your supply chain, which should be a factor in anyone’s threat molding.

    https://f-droid.org/docs/Reproducible_Builds/ However, with reproducible builds now a package is built and signed by both fdroid and the original developer, so you get a net security benefit of having a third party attesting they can independently reproduce the binary from source. Problem solved right? Well, yes but mostly no. Most projects and packages don’t have reproducible builds, so if your using fdroid for most packages your still trusting droid.

    I think a lot of the online hate comes from people making assumptions that their use case and threat model applies to everyone. That’s why I prefer discourse where we just talk about the attributes and not “you should”