27 days agoI use Cosmic and really like it- have used i3, Awesome and Gnome in the past for a while too, I really likes them.
The most time I spent with a set up was Awesome + rofi, which I really enjoyed. I customised literally everything and spent hours tweaking stuff.
That was super fun, but in all honesty my workflow is more or less:
- Open up a terminal (alacritty, tmux + fish shell + helix editor)
- Open up a browser (Firefox, have played with others but there’s always some quirk where I give up)
- That’s it.
Honestly, all the tweaking is fun for me, but with my workflow I have like 0 requirements for anything fancy. Daily driving cosmic is going nicely for now, and seems to mostly get out of my way.
Key thing to bear in mind is that we think of “chicken” as a single animal, but industrial farming has selectively bred chickens into very different camps.
Meat chickens grow very big very quickly, and are killed for meat long before adulthood. You’d need to pause production a long enough time for them to grow into adulthood, then they would eventually lay eggs, but at a much slower rate than egg chickens, and requiring a lot more food (because of how big they are)