Of course lifelong Zionist Joe Biden wanted to support it. There was no reason for him to not use his leverage if he did not. Plenty of other American presidents have stopped Israel in the past when they went full genocide mode.
Israel uses collective starvation as weapon of war cuts off Gaza aid to pressure Hamas to accept a new ceasefire proposal
The Houthis have very neatly stopped attacking Israel during the ceasefire. Their actions speak louder than your beliefs.
Rutte and Keir Starmer are American agents selling out Europe for their own personal gain.
Rutte covering up negative info about Israel to protect future NATO job, officials say
“What can we say so that it appears that Israel is not committing war crimes?”
To any same person this is way worse than Trump trying to shake down Zelensky. This is completely destroying international law and the rules based order. If this goes through nobody will arrest Putin anymore.
Interesting notes:
The 1139 figure was one of the earliest leaked figures by France24. However the IDF kept tacking on more fictional deaths afterwards to reach more than 1200, which are now confirmed fake.
The IDF still refuses to admit how many civilians they killed with friendly fire, so it is likely a lot.
Zionists controlling all mainstream media turns out not to be a conspiracy after all.
Boss bringing the publishing instructions.
AMD for sure.
Good point but Russia does not (currently) want to fight the EU. They want to fight Ukraine. And they use EU money to buy weapons. Turkey is doing jack all for Palestine with the pipeline money. Only Iran is. And Turkey even took the opportunity to capture Syria while Iran is busy with Israel.
Turkey does not clash with Israel. They are providing the main fuel pipeline to supply Israel with fuel for the genocide.
The more extreme elements of the Israeli government want to expand Israel
They are doing the “divide” part really poorly these days.
To create Greater Israel
A strange move. Israel had a major opportunity to have sectarian infighting happen. Jolani even said he was going to ignore Israel. But Israel really wants Syria to develop as their enemy as well? This is not how divide and conquer works Netanyahu.
"Chinese export control should go further and forbid sales of GPU to US entirely.
Then we will all get much cheaper and better GPUs. "
Eastern European countries have very corrupt leadership. The EU provides those leaders “development loans” but they are really just bribes to oppose Russia. All the money goes into corrupt pockets and their civilians are reptessed. The EU looks the other way because it is convenient.
Musk had a lot of goodwill and he threw it all away.
The UAE is very closely alligned with Israel and the US. Probably the closest of all countries in the region.