5 days agoAh ok. I didn’t notice if there was an issue when I was a kid playing it - too busy being enamoured with the battle system!
Ah ok. I didn’t notice if there was an issue when I was a kid playing it - too busy being enamoured with the battle system!
What’s wrong with it? I enjoyed playing it on PS2.
-Dark Cloud (1 and 2)
-Time Splitters 2
-Red Faction
-Grandia 2
-ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
-Twisted Metal Black
-Ape Escape (2 and 3)
-Armored Core 2
-Dead or Alive 2
-Gran Turismo 3
-Final Fantasy X
-Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas
-Midnight Club Street Racing
-Soul Calibur 2