unless i’m missing something, any distro will do. i’d personally go with debian, but that’s my choice. opensuse is also an excellent choice if you want easy to use config tools
If DOS is like Windows the system clock ticks local time, but usually Linux likes UTC time
that’s entirely configurable
it’s just an os, you’re not better just bc you memorized a bunch of terminal commands and willingly subjected yourself to a poorer user experience
if you don’t give a fuck about user freedom and just want to use a unix os, then fuck off to any bsd out there and stfu
yes and that sucked. i’m glad we’re not like that anymore
what is it with linux nerds not understanding that you can have configurability without it being mandatory? i’m not saying the terminal shouldn’t exist, just that i shouldn’t have to use it
every time you need to open a terminal for some basic system operation is a defeat for the system
(i get that this is not a very common operation, but still)
it’s not just that this is not for me. i genuinely don’t see the point of a terminal-only editor (even vim has a gui version) without any extensibility. the reason vim and emacs are still being used despite being old and full of cruft is that their extensibility makes them very adaptable. treesitter et al seem enough now, but what about ten years from now?
it’s also weird their motivation for being terminal-only is better performance, as if guis are this super resource intensive thing and not something that’s been mainstream for at least 30 years
for the terminal
no thank you
there is currently no plugin system available
agreed. they already told us the company is based, no need to tell they have ties to the ccp
it is absolutely recommended to keep any system that has access to the internet up to date. i don’t know why people keep saying it isn’t