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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • As others have said, using dd will be a bit for bit copy of the drive, regardless of the filesystem. If you were only using 10GB, and the rest of the drive was “empty”, the output of dd will still be a 256GB file. You could compress this file with gzip if storage is a concern.

    With regard to your plan with Windows, there is a hardware check that OS will perform and if the hardware drifts too much, the OS will not be activated anymore and will need a new license. I’m not familiar with recent versions of Windows, but if you have a Pro version of the OS, it might not work on new hardware.

  • While this is more an issue with compromise credentials and not a flaw in AWS exactly, I think AWS should just deprecate the use of IAM Access Keys altogether, and have newly issued keys auto expire after 90 days, requiring human intervention to extend the lifetime if absolutely necessary. Had these companies used IAM roles for their services, they would not be in this situation, but that approach requires more effort, so people go with the lazy access key solution.

  • If your school or employer has an MDM solution on their laptop that they issue to you, you have 0% of privacy. You could use DNS over HTTPS which will prevent your DNS queries from being picked up, but the MDM could issue their own CA and even intercept https traffic. They can also record your keystrokes and screen. It would be wise to think of the machine as compromised, just not by a threat actor.

    For maximum privacy, only use the devices for the minimal work necessary. Don’t log into anything for personal use, and use a separate device you’ve purchased yourself.

  • Clearly you didn’t read the article. The first paragraph is about Meta censoring LGBTQ+ content

    On Monday, Taylor Lorenz posted a telling story about how Meta has been suppressing access to LGBTQ content across its platforms, labeling it as “sensitive content” or “sexually explicit.”

    Posts with LGBTQ+ hashtags including #lesbian, #bisexual, #gay, #trans, #queer, #nonbinary, #pansexial, #transwomen, #Tgirl, #Tboy, #Tgirlsarebeautiful, #bisexualpride, #lesbianpride, and dozens of others were hidden for any users who had their sensitive content filter turned on. Teenagers have the sensitive content filter turned on by default.

    When teen users attempted to search LGBTQ terms they were shown a blank page and a prompt from Meta to review the platform’s “sensitive content” restrictions, which discuss why the app hides “sexually explicit” content.

    People who comment on articles without reading the article itself should take a long look into the mirror before implying other people are advocating censorship.