Medical grade silicone, easy to sterilize apparently
Medical grade silicone, easy to sterilize apparently
“This person has expensive, resellable sex toys that they likely wont file a police report over”
That really big bill when they run out of rubber to patch on your car
Have you seen some of the shit they tried for Castro!?
Literally the only thing i really used on a regular basis from Sec+, is extremely basic PKI (private/public keys). I got it to meet 8570 requirements.
I learned far more useful skills on the job.
Working on abandoning the gmail accounts entirely tbh. Until then, the native gmail filtering (primary/social/promotions) keeps those inboxes usable. 10+ years of ad spam from signing up for shit… literally a hundred or so emails a day.
SMS is janky outside of the Owner profile. Unfortunately my workplace requires me to respond to SMS at times.
It does not sandbox you out of googles Single Sign-On (SSO), ie, if you sign into any google account in any google app, it will sign you in as that account across all google apps on that profile. I wanted to sign into gmail but not tie the google account to google messages (for RCS).
I do have a ring i could drop in a volcano… (/s)
Unless someone feels like breaking into a datacenter (and likely several cold backup facilities) and mechanically wiping data, that shit is there forever. Facebook deletes nothing.
Both is “good”
I feel like I’ve stagnated career/life wise enough that I’m not particularly desirable enough to get that kind of offer though. I don’t speak a second language and my skill set is at best higher tier tech support :/
But what about Hitler in a Playboy bunny suit?
It sounds cold but isnt this kind of the point of a body bag? To contain a human corpse without contaminating the surroundings, as well as ease of transportation, while also not taking up a huge amount of space when unneeded?
As a standalone game, it does feel a bit lacking so far to me (i only got to the first campsite, been busy) in story. That said, it technically isnt a standalone; the two Pillars of Eternity games are behind it as a lore base
Could it even completely obliterate the moon? Just not being tidally locked would be awful, but completely changing its trajectory/orbit and probably fuck up our atmosphere with debris seems more likely
I feel like hitting the moon could fuck us up even worse long term, with effects on the ocean?
lettuce with googly eyes, staring motherfuckerly
Whats the counter argument from the opposition; Lettuce, you have the mic.
Thats how i got my 2080 TI back in 2020. Good deal.
I dont think i even finished the tutorial for Syndicate, it was so bad. No human being is that fucking spongy and taking 20 something punches to the face, and like you said, why is an assassin punching people!?