I was thinking that a glowie was a handie performed outdoors on a full moon.
I was thinking that a glowie was a handie performed outdoors on a full moon.
I think either would be great, but to really piss him off choose Mexico.
mbin is better.
My question is, does it install as a stand alone app? Or is it part of a Google Play update chunk that you only find out after Play has updated? My system does not auto update (by design) so I’d like to know where it sources from.
As an American, I support this statement.
[obligatory linux boast] I really prefer Kate to Notepad because KDE makes superior, non AI encrusted software that actually works for it’s users. And it’s FREE!
Too many people complain about the UI and claim it’s “outdated, ugly, unusable”. I find that funny because you can make FF look almost like anything you want, and I personally hate chrome’s UI.
That’s not normal. You should go to the support pages and see if there is a fix. And it could be an addon causing the issue, not FF itself. I had that issue many years back.
Potato chips are already overpriced!
Someone needs to post jokes about the Swastika Car to President Xelon, that will piss them both off. Also remind President Felon that xelon is pwning him so hard!!!
Xelon is a bully. That’s his personal & professional style. Smash & grab con man.
It wont be long now before the nanobots exist and the Borg can finally take over. Resistance is futile.
I was going to give up eating this year anyway. Food just takes too long to buy, cook & eat.
Bunch of liars. More like Two-face-book! Amirite?
The majority of the Gulf is not owned by a nation. There are legal boundaries. The US cannot dictate the name. As usual, trump is an idiot.
There are places in the world where we can send them and they can’t hurt others. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/749af21064e34f029bdd53946d9d941a
Here’s the plan. The Northern US states all join Canada. The Southern Half of US states join Mexico. The US is gone. Canada & Mexico join to become 1 huge nation. (putin shits himself!) And then we deport ALL the conservatives out of North America, and live happily ever after. Problem solved. You’re Welcome.
user4616250 will now be a famous meme. “How do we fix healthcare? We call user4616250.”
Sometimes the best thing to do to a Window is leave it closed, forever.
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