Something about not guiding public opinion or stuff like that
Belgian 29 year old male, accountant, into physical fitness, outings and watching TV series/films. Enjoy pestering you about your political views and interested in economics.
Something about not guiding public opinion or stuff like that
They are a minority that have opposing views. Just as any ideology, they have flaws and they just accept those flaws with open arms.
You could go there and say: china owns 80% of cobalt companies in Congo. You’d get banned.
Can say that china has far higher inequality than the EU. You’d get banned.
You could say that the Chinese government subsidising smartphone and electric vehicle market in china is trickle down economics. You’d get banned. (I get cheap high quality stuff because Chinese citizens their taxes pay for the profit margins of the Chinese shareholders.)
You’d get banned.
I honestly just wonder if they are economically illiterate morons, to be honest ☺️
Got banned there by a dude with anarcho in his name. Cherry on top
Ah it can always be better. Fun fact, 80% of Congolese cobalt is owned by Chinese companies.
Strong economies trade with weak economies. Ends up in a win win situation. China only became a strong economy through the trade with priorly developed economies.
So I’m going to ignore that argument a bit. Worst thing we could do for “global south” would be to stop trading with them. It’d be called sanctioning them.
Now, eh, we got our issues to tackle in Europe. But as someone who was born in 1995, I have seen how my society has transformed. Brussels in the 90s compared to today is day and night in terms of diversity.
Now you can always say like “there’s racism!!! This is a shit hole to live in!!!”
But then… come on, it’s not that bad. I know 20% of Europe is voting anti immigration political parties. But these are usually the less educated folks.
Get educated, you won’t even be in contact with them.
My wife’s pregnant. Our kid will be indonesian-Belgian in ethnicity (or Chinese/Japanese whatever, she keeps being called Chinese in her own country lol)
So our kid will grow up in bit of a racist environment. No matter where we live.
Well, we have the privilege to live anywhere in the world that we want. My wife prefers Belgium.
I’ll trust her judgement.
We can always improve, but we live in a pretty good place.
I’m saying that diversity takes time. I’ve seen Belgium go through different stages.
My wife’s indonesian. You know what she’d be if she married an African guy? Disowned.
The Congolese in Belgium seem pretty wealthy, more wealthy than the Arabs in the same cities.
Perhaps linked to the source of immigration (economic immigrants with work visas) or their culture. Am talking bout Aalst specifically.
I don’t have a clue about it at all, just trying to connect dots.
You can keep talking bout racism, will be beneficial for my kid in the future.
But don’t have tunnel vision either. There’s a lot of mono cultures out there in the world where there would be a lot of resistance to immigration. These countries would have to start from scratch when it comes to diversity. It’s not like they’d be instant paradises.
Like china had their scandal with how they treated their minority in an area.
And Africa… literal genocides as far as I’m aware.
So the Turks are colonising my country 🌝 wolf or whatever they keep saying
If it’s a public beach then there’s nothing they can do about it.
Just go there with the whole family and let Karen frown
Of course they are contributing to the culture. Enriching it with their own culture as immigrants.
They are strengthening the indonesian rupiah by Selling other currencies for it. Then they are spending idr on the local economy.
A developed economy is more expensive to live in. Gentrification just means that the area gets developed. The people that can’t stay there economically are people without education.
This can be solved however with policy. Policies that aim at social mobility like here in the EU.
Tax paid education.
Indonesia is a tax paradise, very attractive.
Very cheap labour. Very young population.
My brain can’t comprehend their cost of living, so I always tipped the Uber drivers in Batam with 100k idr. They often wanted to decline, but it’s like the normal price of transport where I’m from.
I see a lot of international companies there.
Their poverty rate has been in decline since the 80s.
Very friendly people in general too.
Globalism is the way, bruv
No shit, it’s the Paris of Indonesia. I mean, how is the place doing. During COVID they were struggling.
Colonialism is about extracting resources. Living in a low cost of living area on passive income attained globally is quite the opposite.
How’s Bali
You don’t have to confirm to society WHEN OUR SOCIETY IS ABOUT LIBERTY
Can you tell me some areas in the world that are more multi-cultural and less racist than western Europe?
For example, Singaporeans are wilding about Indians coming to their country for economic reasons. Working day and night, outcompeting locals. Bringing in more Indians.
I’ve been outside of Europe, you know what I saw? A lot of mono cultures such as Europe in the 1900s.
You might be right… unless… time travel 🤨
From an odd point of view, I think it’s been good that world war 2 happened, so that we lost our grip on a lot of countries. Such as Vietnam.
Can’t really say that out loud tho aha
Also I wouldn’t exist without world war 2.
If I didn’t have sex with my wife on that specific night then my specific sperm cell wouldn’t have gone into her specific egg cell.
Existential crisis intensifies
If the major stakeholder and CEO is actively being an unelected politician addressing policy changes onto the public, then repercussions need to happen.
It would not be wise to show people that they can achieve plutocracy. Plutocrats only lose their power by losing their wealth, so if that’s what has to happen, then that is the plan.
We’d be helping their industry recover from fuck ups, no thanks
As Belgian I do think Switzerland is one of the best countries on the entire planet. There’s a reason why they have 30% immigrants, and it’s not because German is a fun language to learn 😁
They are the ones already owning the companies. It’s not like the middle class had much of the ownership lol
“The bottom 90% of Americans own approximately 7% to 11% of all stocks. This highlights the significant concentration of stock ownership among the wealthiest individuals in the U.S. .”
Trump is hurting the rich. Which is hilarious because it’s not like he has anyone else’s interests in mind ahahaha
Oh yeah, his top buddy Putin