Battle bots 2034
Battle bots 2034
They don’t have a problem with fascists. They don’t have a problem with idiots. They have a problem with leftists who want to make the world a better place.
Fuck these fuckheads.
That thumbnail reminded me of this
Unwiped asshole
Well I will say, their brand is definitely working class disillusionment, mixed with humor and some anger
It’s a big ass drone with a car shape 3D printed over top of it
Nah that’s amazing. But yes, definitely check out more of their stuff if you like jobseeker. Another in a similar vein is Till Dipper. Not just because of the similar sounding names. But you really can’t go wrong. Their newer album is a little more accessible I think. UK Grim the song gets stuck in my head constantly.
Oh, no. Russia is feeling stronger than ever now that they’ve captured the largest (yet rapidly fading) superpower. And two buddy-buddy fading nuclear superpowers against the world? It’ll be like the end of Thelma & Louise…except the entire world is dragged over the cliff after them.
This is literally them feeling like they’ve finally got the upper hand after struggling so much after the invasion. They now have the US on their side. So now they’re feeling like a big boy.
Sickusername btw. Ever seen them live? One of the best shows I saw in the few surrounding years (of the year I saw them)
Ooh yeah let’s hope that’s the case.
STOP FUXKING PATTING YOURSELF ON THE BACK FOR FUCKS SAKE. All you’re doing is driving a wedge between people who oppose the genocide. Do you support the genocide? Because shit like this makes it seem like you love it because you get to say “pfft. Well this is on those people over there and I was sooo right.”
Why is this so fucking important to you? Shut the fuck up with this. Every single time there is horrifying news about Gaza. You pull out the blaming stick to say “this is the fault of thise people who didn’t like the genocide!” Shut the fuck up this isnt about you and how fuxking right your vote was.
Do something better. If you actually give a shit. Because it’s very possible you don’t and are more concerned with labeling yourself as having been right and washing your hands of the situation
For fucks sake
Because the republicans have spent years gutting oversight, and decades making the populace dumber. This is their final putsch to fully gut the government so they can have complete power. And they’ve mostly succeeded already. The people are beyond disengaged from four years of this four years ago, plus Covid, plus struggling to survive in late stage American capitalism. It’s the perfect storm for a fascist takeover. And they’re taking full advantage.
The UL has had plenty of far right fucks vying for an grasping power for a while. UKIP, for one.
It’s a final push for he final solution. Almost a putsch.
What’s it from
Basically just a late stage capitalist hellscape where people and corps are insanely invasive and disgustingly tapped in at all times, I’m assuming?
Every day, we stray further from Jod
Nah I mean it’ll be 20ft below sea level
Come on and SLAM and welcome to the JAM