The new ones were garbage anyways. Mine is stuck at a polling rate of 10hz, and the acceleration is god awful
Sorry for scaring developers
Norwegian proot with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation
Former account at Kbin
The new ones were garbage anyways. Mine is stuck at a polling rate of 10hz, and the acceleration is god awful
Oh onlyoffice works great! It’s spreadsheet function is far less buggy than excel and it’s smooth and snappy.
I usually shut those “I have nothing to hide” arguments by asking the person what’s more creepy: you closing your curtains trying to get privacy, or your neighbor trying to peek in, asking you “why do you need curtains? You’ve got nothing to hide right?”
That usually gets the point across…
Omg noone noticed that hahahaha. I didn’t design the graphic, but I’ll let the guy know to fix the spelling. I guess we’re all dyslexic…
I have moved my laptop over to kubuntu for a while now, but I have too many workflows that rely on windows ) :
Please charge your phone