Dont mistake his philanthropy for some form of altruism. He setup the Gates Foundation for tax avoidance pure and simple. The fact he tries to do good with it is a side affect.
Dont mistake his philanthropy for some form of altruism. He setup the Gates Foundation for tax avoidance pure and simple. The fact he tries to do good with it is a side affect.
He doesn’t understand them nor is he heavily invested in them so when oil & gas lobbies said they were bad he just nodded along like the clueless idiot he is. And as per usual he now just makes stuff up to try and sound smart or his usual word salad.
Fuck $421. Should be free healthcare, no copay no deductible no denials, for those affected. Really teach those bastards.
South Korea might do what the US failed to do.
I wait with baited breath for the great flushing.
Of course! Why make Israel live in peace fairly with the Palestinians when you can just shove them in a different corner and forget about them. Its not like these are people who had homes and families and businesses or anything.
Fucking disgusting.
Based on your question I thought you were referencing subs like confessions, AITAH etc. Not pics of dumb animals or kids.
Correct me if I am wrong but most of those “personal stories” are pure fiction right?
Any time I see those stickers, flags or license plates I have a deep urge to reenact the curb stomping scene from American History X using the person who has it/them.
I think the problem is the use of the term AI. Regular Joe Schmo hears/sees AI and thinks Data from ST:NG or Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and not glorified search engine chatbots. But AI sounds cooler than LLM so they use AI.
Known liar founding lying. More obvious observations at 5!
Wasn’t/Isn’t reducing world population a big deal for the rich as well? They want just the right amount of “people” to keep their luxurious lifestyles going.