I was. The quoted part is an actual quote from a different article on the topic
I was. The quoted part is an actual quote from a different article on the topic
Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, called the remarks “incredibly dangerous,”
I wonder when they’re going to come out and call her and extreme-leftist when she’s spouting such antisemitic rhetoric. After all the “leading anti-hate organization in the world,” the Anti-Defemation League, was quick to point out that Musk is just “overly enthusiastic.”
I thought that name was already taken by the chasm in between his ears.
Yeah I’m inclined to believe it based on the actions of numerous other police departments, but I’m also highly skeptical of it because of things like his message about if they find him dead naming not only the Fresno Sheriff but also his neighbor and a coworker. If I came across this on Facebook I for sure would write this guy off.
I do find it odd they ruled his death a suicide but then stated that he had three separate stab wounds to the chest. I have a hard time believing that someone could do that to themselves a second or third time, but who knows.
It sure seems like we’re the only shop in town when we stood alone with Israel in blocking the numerous UN resolutions against this genocide.
You sure? It sure seems like your first thought here is “how can I rub this in the faces of those i feel like blaming for this” judging by your comment. You seem to want to retroactively remove Biden and Harris’ culpability in bringing us to this point.
Is Trump in charge of Israel’s military now because that’s the only way for your comment to make any sense.
Why didn’t you have an issue with it at any point in the past 15 months?
These people downvoting are the same people who said the genocide in Gaza wasn’t something to concern ourselves with since both candidates supported it anyway. How quickly the tune changes once they can use it to act self-righteous while whitewashing the past.
They’ve made such a hard right turn it’s insane. It’s not just “super fiscally conservative ideals” but straight up propaganda at this point
Not to criticize you personally for playing devils advocate but fuck this weak ass justification.
This guy is the richest person in the world and he didn’t become that by being some disadvantaged individual who doesn’t understand what he’s doing at times. He knew full well what he was doing. He was grinning the whole fucking time and acts like he knows he’s untouchable.
I agree that I don’t think he wants to ‘round up Jews and exterminate them,’ but I do think he wanted to empower the nut jobs that do believe in that (not just Jews but every Republican enemy) while also drumming up controversy to get everyone talking about him like he’s always done in the past. He thinks this is all a game with few stakes for himself.
Like when Walmart closed two Midwest stores just after they unionized claiming it was due to “plumbing issues” before rebuilding new Walmarts right nearby.
The Nintendo and Playstation communities here have already done the same too.
Well if we’re splitting hairs, how does the ceasefire fall into your definition of empowering the Israelis? That’s not something we’ve seen at any point in the past 15 months of slaughter.
I don’t think Trump really deserves credit for it, but Biden surely doesn’t. Not only did he allow them to cross red line after red line while supplying them with money and weapons the entire time, but he also blocked numerous UN resolutions on the matter while standing alone with Israel.
It also states that Biden sent over ten thousand 2,000lb bombs before pausing that single shipment. I don’t understand why you’re trying to split hairs here as if it makes any difference (irrespective of the 500lb bombs continuing to be shipped, the $20 billion shipment of fighter jets, bombs, and missles in August, and the $8 billion weapons shipment he approved two weeks ago).
We’ve already been giving them these bombs.
Well that’s what happens when you rely on headlines and literal two sentence long “articles” for information because that’s completely false. We’ve been sending them thousands of these bombs along with the jets to use them for quite some time now.
I didn’t say “everything is hopeless” I said that Biden, Harris, and Trump were never going to do anything but aid in this genocide.
This “article” is literally two sentences long and makes no reference to the thousands of 2,000lb bombs we’ve been sending Israel this entire time.
They say “the left” but they’re talking about the center-right neoliberals like Harris and Biden. Of course those people are going to be unpopular compared to the right because it’s the same policy just watered down.