Turns out, some people i know are apparently fake AI.
Turns out, some people i know are apparently fake AI.
Dr He-Ling Shi, from Monash University, said state media was “obligated to sing praises” because 2025 marked the final year of the plan.
He said it was hard to know from state media whether the technological advancements detailed in the stories were real or a “roadshow”.
The ABC reached out to multiple analysts in China for this story, but none responded to interview requests.
Dr Shi also said the Biden administration had been effective at preventing China from advanced manufacturing of computer chips.
He said Huawei was a prime example.
“From a technological point of view, Huawei’s mobile phone technology is still two to three generations behind [Apple].”
No article like this would be complete without some gusano cope lol
If Denmark told the US to end their military occupation of Greenland, the yanks could very well choose to simply ignore those orders
This already happened multiple times between 1941 and 1949, in 1949 Denmark became part of NATO and stopped or was stopped from further complaining.
Read the wild sis boom bah rah million in the few last paragraphs though.
This article is literally
It’s roughly 100 million degrees celsius
that’s never actually been tested in combat against a peer competitor
Excuse me, F-22 shot down Chinese balloon!
Trump is USA Rasputin - a celebrity clown that brings the old systemic rot to the surface, but merely a symptom by himself.
They nabbed him partially because it can be hailed as great success againt the corruption, but in reality it’s just tip of the tip of the tip of entire iceberg, but the real reason was that what could psychiatrist even take the bribes for? Of course for excluding people from draft, which is a big no-no now.
Happy Marie Antoinette day!
“Faustian pact”, “The gamble”, etc. The organ of aristocracy of finance is very very angry.
Your commune would be super lucky if it had anything because small communes (especially isolated sects “never trusting humanity”) are not the best places to make even things like glasses, not to mention atomic weaponry.
It’s not 5-d chess, it’s simple politics of weakening potential rivals. If you look at history literally the same thing was done even by ancient hegemonies, it has even popular Latin name - “Divide et impera”. USA is global hegemon and acts globally.
It’s not much different with France too nowadays, unless police crackdown at New Caledonia be considered especially fang-y