Fuck it, I’m going to delete the account that I used to get over a previous permaban. I’ll read, but not post. No point in just posting anyway.
Fuck it, I’m going to delete the account that I used to get over a previous permaban. I’ll read, but not post. No point in just posting anyway.
They need to do this and make it absolutely clear that it is 100% Trump’s fault. They cannot be allowed to make the claim that canada did it unprovoked or for the lulz.
I remember John Kerry’s election in 2004 was thwarted due in part to the perception that he was flip-flopping around a lot of issues. Trump is constantly making an absolute fool of himself by constantly backing away from shit he said he was going to do.
Move zig move zig move zig, you know what you doing take off every zig!
Like I simply could not believe he thinks he could add that. Even the most tyrannical warlords of the past didn’t demand that much tribute from people they conquered. The Mongols and Romans would blush at this shit.
I could have been a junior dev that could code. I learned to do it before ChatGPT. I just never got the job.
It makes HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyessy seem realistic. In the movie he is a highly technical AI but doesn’t understand the implications of what he wants to do. He sees Dave as a detriment to the mission and it can be better accomplished without him… not stopping to think about the implications of what he is doing.
To be fair, YouTube is a huge source of information now for a massive amount of people.
The one thing that I learned when talking to chatGPT or any other AI on a technical subject is you have to ask the AI to cite its sources. Because AIs can absolutely bullshit without knowing it, and asking for the sources is critical to double checking.
He is Putin’s stooge. Trump LOVES dictators and billionaires, because he wants to be, or be seen as, both of those things. You might ask why the Israelis preferred Trump over Biden/Kamala even though the latter were as much supportive of Israel as Trump is. The reason is that Trump’s rhetoric is stronger and more direct, and on top of that, he is a VERY easily manipulatible bitch despite his reputation and personal belief that he is uncontrollable. The other elites know this, and this is why he is popular with them even if he is an absolute disaster for most people.
Exactly. I think this is a good barometer of gauging whether or not you can trust it. Ask it about things you know you’re good at or knowledgeable about. If it is giving good information, the type you would give out, then it is probably OK. If it is bullshitting you or making you go ‘uhh, no, actually…’ then you need to do more old-school research.
I am a creative writer (as in, I write stories and stuff) or at least I used to be. Sometimes when talking to chatGPT about ideas for writing it can be interesting, but other times it is kinda annoying since I am more into fine tuning instead of having it innudate me with ideas that I don’t find particularly interesting.
I noticed that. When I ask it about things that I am knowledgeable about or simply wish to troubleshoot I often find myself having to correct it. This does make me hestitant to follow the instructions given on something I DON’T know much about.
I studied webdev and coding the hard way and I loved it. I felt unstoppable. But I still never got the job. But watching those people fail is still quite satisfying.
Exactly. It is like Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. It enshrined segregation as legal and was never over turned. It wouldn’t be until 60+ years before segregation is overturned. That is literally a lifetime. And we all know that it was never really overturned, so it’s effects are still shown.
Segregation was also expanded in the following decades that robbed black people of opportunities to grow generational wealth, in the wake of the decision and other racist events.
That’s their plan.
The US already has a lot of rights to the oil there. but the rigs aren’t pumping because despite the drill, baby, drill crap US oil companies already have too much supply. He wants them to drill just to look like they’re doing more shit.
The speed at which these people are capitulating is alarming. I mean it took them decades to even begin to do any kind of rainbow capitalism and they all ditched it like a hot potato in a split second.
I learned that AI chat bots aren’t necessarily trustworthy in everything. In fact, if you aren’t taking their shit with a grain of salt, you’re doing something very wrong.
I had my 13 year old account banned on reddit and the ‘final’ statement was saying ‘No, just the problems they deserve blame for’ to a Zionist who accused all Lebanese people of blaming all of Lebanon’s problems on Israel.
Just saying that apparently is a call to violence against Jews…