• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • 100% agree.

    I dont think there is no place for AI as an aid to help you find the solution, but i dont think it’s going to help you learn if you just ask it for the answers.

    For example, yesterday, i was trying to find out why a policy map on a cisco switch wasn’t re-activating after my radius server came back up. Instead of throwing my map at the AI and asking whats wrong l, i asked it details about how a policy map is activated, and about what mechanism the switch uses to determine the status of the radius server and how a policy map can leverage that to kick into gear again.

    Ultimately, AI didn’t have the answer, but it put me on the right track, and i believe i solved the issue. It seems that the switch didnt count me adding the radius server to the running config as a server coming back alive but if i put in a fake server and instead altered the IP to a real server then the switch saw this as the server coming back alive and authentication started again.

    In fact, some of the info it gave me along the way was wrong. Like when it tried to give me cli commands that i already knew wouldn’t work because i was using the newer C3PL AAA commands, but it was mixing them up with the legacy commands and combining them together. Even after i told it that was a made-up command and why it wouldn’t work, it still tried to give me the command again later.

    So, i dont think it’s a good tool for producing actual work, but it can be a good tool to help us learn things if it is used that way. To ask “why” and “how” instead of “what.”

  • Sorry, that isn’t what I was trying to say. It’s not about “letting the bully do it” (which isn’t what i said at all, so i dont know why you put it in quotation marks)

    It’s just a name. It’s nothing. Better to fight him on denying trans people, or taking away rights from women, or reversing climate change deals, or letting a lizard faced man child dismantle the federal governement, or promoting racism, and nazi-ism.

    The name of a fucking body of water means absolutely nothing compared to some of the shit he is pulling.

    I dont think being concerned with the name of the gulf matters at all compared to this.

    Did you see recently the thing about plastic straws? That he wants to bring back plastic straws? This is the kind of thing he wants to change! Trump is a complete moron and he is causing a crazy amount of damage to the US and the rest of the world. But you want to fight him over changing the name of some water?

    No! i will not accept my downvotes, i stand by what i said. Its not important, you are directing your anger at the wrong target.

  • You’re not wrong. There’s a good amount of great games on that list.

    The problem is that these are straight ports, bugs, and all.

    The worst part is the janky controls.

    On goldeneye, perfect dark and jetforce gemini you have to remap the controls on the switch settings and select a different control configuration in game to make them playable and even then the sticks are way too sensitive with no calibration options.

    They release goldeneye on xbox 360 and fixed alot if not all of these issues and upscaled and widescreened everything, and it was a much better experience.

    Some games play well, mario and banjoe kazooie are good. Not had any problems with waverace.

    Lylat wars is a bit messy.

    Pokemon stadium is fine, but less fun without the game boy attachment to transfer pokemon to use in battle.

    Paper mario is great.

    But this is just the 64. Then theres the snes, nes gameboy, advance and genesis. Each with a plethora of games I’ve never heard of, despite these being the consoles i had as a child.

    I just think this wasn’t what they sold to us when it was announced, and it shouldn’t take 3 months to release a new title that no one has ever heard of.

  • No! Its a joke. N64 has been on switch for 4 years. In that time they have released about 10 games anyone would actually play. The rest are pretty much trash. Tell me you have even opened “operation winback”

    If they spent as much time porting games to NSO as they do to crushing emulators then i would feel like the money im spending for NSO was more worth it.

    Where is duke nukem 64? Where is conkers bad fur day? Where is rampage world tour, clay fighter 63 1/3, diddy kong racing, star wars shadows of the empire or rogue squadron, donkey kong 64, mystical ninja, doom 64?

    There was a huge pool to pull from. It just seems a bit lacking for 4 years when i can get an emulator and a rom pack and play with custom mapped controls at higher fps on any device i own.

    They could make that happen. And i would pay for it.

  • Slightly bigger? Look again, the old switch screen has massive boarders and this one lokks to go to the edges as well as being larger by a few inches. It looks steam deck sized. I would say its a significant increase.

    And i got the impression that the joycons would be magnetic. That would make connecting and disconnecting them MUCH easier and intuitive. The amount of times ive seen people struggle the first time with the joycons having the button to release.

    Seems like a good upgrade to me. And thats not to mention the extra shoulder buttons on the joycons, the larger joycons, and the fact that this likely doesnt reveal everythin nintendo has in store for us.