I used Arch for years, but found that I got everything at the same speed from Fedora for fraction of effort.
I used Arch for years, but found that I got everything at the same speed from Fedora for fraction of effort.
There are more topics to cover than just encryption. Less on encryption, more on other topics.
Is it p2p or server model? I happen to lookup and it seems to be server as intermediary.
Is server side open sourced? Who is running servers? How does client choose the server to connect to? if hop server is tracking data, what will it see?
With all that end address obfuscation, how user friendly is establishing a connection with a friend?
2 years old need to learn interaction with other people.
That’s how they learn language.
So, spend time with them, not the screen. Screen time will come by itself.
In fact there’s data of development delays if kids are exposed to screen at early ages. That is because our eyes like movement, but screen picture doesn’t provide meaningful world context. Especially games.
Only personal interaction gives words in meaningful action context.
My wife is speech pathologist, so I am sharing what I wax told.
We have a friend, who didn’t listen to no screen time. Kid is delayed in development. It is serious staff and yet so simple to prevent.
Give your kids all the time you can in 1st several years.