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4th times the charm, right?

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2024

  • No, you come on. You’re are misrepresenting what I actually said. If you actually read my post, you’ll see that I plan to participate in the boycott regardless. I made a throwaway comment about how it would be “mildly inconvenient” that I’d miss the opening, but also that I would do it regardless.

    So what, I’m not even allowed to acknowledge that Prime has stuff I’m interested in? I have to boycott it, and deny that it holds any value whatsoever?

    That’s bullshit. It’s entirely possible to both acknowledge that there are decent Amazon produced shows AND think that the company is evil as fuck and want to boycott them.

  • OK so I think you might be joking but in case you’re not:

    1. “They don’t need to understand DEs” and “Please teach people.” Well which is it? is it intuitive or does it need to be taught? It can’t be both

    2. That was just an example. Your solution doesn’t solve the problem I’m describing as a whole and I think my point still stands. Search might be common to most DEs but that doesn’t change the fact that they all work slightly differently, and if you want to know how to do something that can’t just be searched for, you need to know what DE you’re using. Which means knowing what a DE is. Not to mention, a user coming from a Mac wouldn’t think to just hit super anyway. It’s cmd + space there.

    3. It’s not the “proper” way, it’s just “a” way. There is no “proper” way do to this kind of thing. I would even argue that it’s not even the “best” way because you’re not learning how to navigate your OS/DE if you do it that way.

    This is exactly the kind of facetious bs “ugh, it’s not hard, just rtfm, noob” response the op is talking about

  • I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do a little of that in my younger years, but I’ve calmed down a lot. These days I generally advise caution when someone tells me they want to switch to Linux.

    I personally don’t actually think any one variant of Linux is that much harder to use than Windows or Mac. I think the difficulty comes from two things:

    One, I think people forget how much learning is involved in those OS’s as well. If you’ve ever tried to teach an elderly grandparent how to use “the computer” then you know first hand how much of this specialised knowledge you can take for granted. Simple things like knowing where to look to change mouse sensitivity as an example, are really challenging to any new user of any OS.

    Two, there isn’t just one variant of Linux. It’s biggest strength is also it’s greatest weakness here. It’s amazing that you have so many choices for your desktop environment, but that comes with the major drawback of users needing to understand what a desktop environment is, and why Googling “how to change mouse sensitivity in Linux” is probably not going to return anything useful. You have so much choice in Linux for every little thing. Down to a level of granularity that most Windows or Mac users wouldn’t even realise they’re not getting a choice in. Alsa vs pulseaudio, xorg vs wayland, not to mention the plethora of package managers. Hell even drivers for your video card: proprietary vs open source. And yes, some of those examples boil down to the old way vs the new way, but ALL of this is added complexity, which results in a steeper learning curve for a new user.

    So yeah, Linux is hard to use. The learning curve is a cliff, and anyone who thinks it’s perfect is kidding themselves! ESPECIALLY for the user who just wants to play a few games, and maybe do some browsing. We’ll never get the year of the Linux desktop with this mentality!

    I do also try to warn new users about this. It is a whole new ballgame, and it will take some effort to get up to the same level of comfort you have in Windows. It really is best to not just jump in to the deep end, and fully wipe your system on day 1.

    Start with a VM, then dual boot, and once you’ve stopped booting into WIndows in frustration, then you’re ready to commit.

    One thing I promise though, it is 100% worth the effort

  • I apologize for my last comment, I was drunk when I wrote it. I’d rather not put that kind of negativity into the world.

    I do still disagree with you though.

    On paper or not, the system supports it, which means that they are very likely NOT supporting two lighting systems, which means that, yes, my point still stands. The series S is only 5 years old. The minimum system requirements are for 7 year old hardware.

    EVERYTHING else is a matter of optimization, which no one here can comment on until the game is released. You just cannot know the game will perform badly until it is released.

    As evidence of this, I will again point to the Indiana Jones game which is a) Ray Traced, b) Runs on the series S, and c) runs at 60fps (although, admittedly it’s apparently blurry)