Bring back Vent cowards!
Bring back Vent cowards!
LMFAO, who makes the ToS do you suppose?
Don’t worry everyone, the EA app is just as horrible as the Origin app always was!
Please provide a link to the flavor that mostly acts like Windows 10. I’m legitimately asking because any I’m used to are not plug and play in the slightest. In my experience I spend so much time hunting down how to do the simplest stuff in Windows on Linux and it’s usually a huge chore to accomplish when I do find out how it needs to be done. Like, can I open a text editor with ease? Sure. But I didn’t think the standard of a good OS in 2025 was the same standard as a good OS in 1985. I do a lot more then edit code on my PC. I want to see the Linux flavor that out of the box has at least as much of the functionality I come to expect from Windows without having to spend days configuring. I want the Linux flavor that doesn’t require me to run half my shit through Wine because no one’s made a Linux alternative.
You guys actually make conspiracy theorists sound sane. Is Linux even at a 10% market share yet? You really think all the businesses and personal users on Windows are going to en mass switch to an operating system they don’t understand that requires them to constantly configure and adjust things to get stuff working, requires them to get comfortable with using terminal to accomplish stuff when they have only ever used GUI applications their entire lives, AND it doesn’t run half the programs they rely on and are used to, to do what they need?
Lol. I used XP for years after it’s EoL, did the same with 8 and will do so with 10. Stay mad.
Dang, one of the few famous people I actually would have loved to have met and had a conversation with. What a guy.
God damn corporations are gross.
Apex Legends already exists.
You’re still doing that anti AI signature nonsense after all this time!? 🤣 My brother in Darwin… That text truly means NOTHING to the bots scraping the content.
So the game is going to be completely lacking in story and motivations and dialogue? Cool flex?
I actually don’t think that’s an apt comparison for this. Valve isn’t inventing the wheel here, there are dozens if not hundreds of companies that sell prebuilt PCs. I’m a massive fan of Valve and Gaben by the way, I just don’t think this is a solid business decision on any front.
I don’t! 🙂
Also, did everyone just forget that Valve already tried this before? The people who buy prebuilt PCs do not want Linux and the people who want Linux do not want prebuilt PCs.
They’re downvoting you though, so that means they’re right and Linux is perfect and everything runs on it with no manual work needing to be done at all. We’re just idiots of course.
I’m not the one seeking help here, just calling out poor behavior. You’re helping no one with this constantly being posted.
I’m going to be honest here. If someone asks you for Windows help and you comment to tell them to use Linux, you’re an asshole, not clever.
Excel definitely has alternatives on Linux that are great, but there’s absolutely nothing even close to the Adobe Suite, no matter how hard people want to try and cope, nothing compares.
I honestly get so sick of this cult on Lemmy. Your PC is running slow? Install Linux! Some company does something shitty? Try Linux! Sprained your ankle? Have you heard of Linux?
I have Linux installed, I still end up on Windows most of the time because I don’t have the time and patience to manually set up and configure every single thing I do on my PC, also, I like to play a lot of games and use a lot of programs that all become a choir to run if they even do on Linux.
I’m with the other guy you’re downvoting, I’m staying on 10.
Edit: I’m not going to respond to you all individually, a lot of really dumb shit has been said to me, but in particular I want to address the reccuring theme of my “being here” and “leaving”. I’m not here, I just browse All and see a ton of these posts. I don’t really subscribe to anything on Lemmy. Also, I don’t even hate Linux, I just hate your cult like mentality and the way you guys shoehorn it into every discussion, as stated previously, I have Linux installed and have used several different distros over the years.
I was mostly joking but that is actually interesting.