The apt comparison would be the full on Holocaust America is bankrolling in Palestine.
The US has been ditching its allies a thousand times over. Using this comparison for Ukraine is a stretch
Republicans have always loved Russia and the Commies right?
A US backed coup is not “civil disobedience” lol
If it was up to the Israeli government they would be flattening Gaza twice over again. But something is still holding them back. Possibly the Arab league pressuring Trump with that sweet oil money?
Damn there must be so much evolution now
“How I became the president of a NATO?”
pulls American flag and a boot from inside pocket
A woman wearing a headscarf is clearly worse than a genocide on women and children.
Allegedly they are looking to negotiate but they want their leader freed first. MEE has a slightly larger writeup with details.
Gaslighting people into believing that Harris did not promise unconditional support for Israel’s genocide I see.
Are they going to send European weapons, or will they buy American weapons and send them to Ukraine?
Hotels are generally fine but if you really need the warranty it is difficult to decouple. Most alternatives are daughter companies of
Usually it is the UK government ganging up on Muslims. First time I am seeing Russia join the party.
The French capital wanted to get rid of the church, thus secularism became the state form.
France has however never adhered to its fake standard of equality. That is a hypocritic ploy which was used in favor of white people only.
There are so many examples of France selectively applying their rules to discriminate against groups they are oppressing that the excuse of “equality” really does not fly. And of course the standard for “equality” is whatever the French government decided. French.
Finally someone can fix Twilight Flame
The reason for France’s secularism and specifically their Islamophobia is their colonialist past in North-Africa. This was their way to enfore French culture on their colonies under the guise of “equality”. Of course this equality was never given to their colonies. It was used to take away the rights of the people they oppressed without granting them the same rights as the French colonists.
The French rules are not about religion but an excuse to discriminate against non-whites.
Only the colonists naturally.
Land disputes tend to end when an agreement is reached between natives and colonizers or the colonizers murder so many natives that there are no people to claim the land of their ancestors.
America and Canada mostly fall in the second category. The natives have struck a peace deal and gained reservations but instead of demanding all the land back they are (rightfully) asking for financial compensation.
What differs it from Palestine is that Israel is actively doing the ethnic cleansing and genocide in the present. And there is no peace treaty made which the Palestinians have accepted.
Unless Palestinians agree to a deal they have the right over all the land back. From the river to the sea.
In the present Palestinians are willing to agree to a deal favorable to Israel to end their suffering. Because Israel has the military advantage.
However Israel does not accept it believing they can steal more land. They will lose everything as soon as their military advantage ends.
In fairness to Brave CEO I did not know it had racist origins and only thought it referred to the last paragraph.