I don’t make up stuff, but rely on facts and logic instead. :^)
Definitely Not GustavoM. :^)
I don’t make up stuff, but rely on facts and logic instead. :^)
“Typical” implies “standard”, so a low to mid end rig. Which also means (presumably) a "standard’ use case i.e what any “typical” user does – search for something on the internet, see funny videos and post on online communities such as facebook or similars. And before you say “define a typical user” – a user that has a very basic understanding on how to interact with a computer and use it properly. So… even “your mom” fits this criteria.
Can’t go wrong with lynx.
Honestly, I’d rather record command and flags instead of relying on aliases to do that for me. Unless if its something very “niche” (like automatically pulling the required third party software everytime the distro boots up on .bash_profile).
rtorrent for me.
Here is me (still) hoping for arm64 to become mainstream just like x86_64.
t. I’m typing this on my orange pi 5 max. And the gap between this pc and a “typical” x86_64 one is almost nonexistant.
I don’t think you’ll need to do that, unless you are planning to download files that are over 4Gb long and/or you are using a potato that has less than 1 Gb of ram.
t. I’ve set my entire ram into a ramdisk, and the performance actually IMPROVED compared to not setting a ramdisk at all.
This is why I’ve set up a ramdisk on ~/.cache
and ~/Downloads
– “free” automatic cleanup plus a tad more of performance because why not.
For those interested, I’ve improved the code and introduced bottomless pits into the game, followed by increasing the spawn rate of enemies.
Just commit some time into learning on how to enable/install (proper) nvidia support on arch (even if you don’t understand nothing at all and/or feel very uncomfortable doing so) and it’ll be a smooth ride after that.
Unplayable on Linux and good on Linux?
My Dear Scott!
You could always… you know… buy either a “work-only” PC (something like a Orange pi 5 max) or a “Windows PC” to play these games?
t. Got three “computers” with different functions and I’m about to have a 4th one.
“Oh, look! One(1) game has been busted by the devs themselves and because of that, Linux gaming is dead as ever!”
lmao what
It could be (pretty much) any distro you want – considering scripts like armbian-gaming exists and can give you a “one stop shop” experience.
Why running scripts like these instead of downloading the “real thing”? When you have “obscure”/unsupported sbcs and you need to “make your own” version of it.
It can be (pretty much) any distro you want – just make a minimal install, install the stuff you want, pull config files from your github and throw em in $HOME, that’s it.
“I’m kissing convenience goodbye, I just want control."
He is in for a surprise when he realizes GNU/Linux is much more convenient than Winblows.
A trickster that wants to make a fool of everyone out of pleasures and illusions of grandeur? Definitely Ubuntu. Promises a “easy to use” distro while installing unsolicited packages and fetching unauthorized info without your consent on the background.