Reads differently
Looking ahead, most of the respondents expect current risks to persist, in particular the frequency of extreme weather events, and the unpredictability of how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will evolve. Concerning the latter, risks are not only linked to the availability of imports, but also to ongoing price volatility both for inputs and commodities and to potential logistical restrictions in place. Several respondents anticipate no decline in food inflation in the coming months, as input and production costs are expected to stay up, thus keeping consumer prices high due to delayed price transmission between different stages of the food chain
So there are concerns about the invasion and it’s driving food inflation.
Every coalition will involve the CDU/CSU (our conservatives) as the senior party. And their candidate for chancellor is already copying Trump talking points about closing the borders, getting rid of immigrants and cutting social services.
Even without the extremist right it’s going to be an absolute shit show.