Predicted .ml tankie response when they get here:
“This is just WeSTeRn pRoPaGAnda, Putin is just having COURAGE to break from the US no matter the consequences and has done NOTHING absolutely NOTHING wrong and absolutely isn’t profiting in it like you LibERals think.”
You have been banned from .ml
Using kids for testing is forward thinking! We can’t have progress with such sensitive minds, like “wah don’t kill my child”, it’s for the good of mother Russia…s oligarchs.
take note Americans, this is the nation the orange tumor wants for us.
Holy shit. With refusal to take being punished.
Trump is inspired by Putin btw
Not to mention “maybe everyone should get measles” RFK.
Oh yeah, cutting off HIV meds
The killing is just a side effect, the real goal is omnicide.
Woaaah there I thought it was in America and orange men there for a sec… you sure this wasn’t in America?
Not yet
America was once ahead of Russia, but since the direction changed and both countries are going backwards, Russia is ahead.
I have faith the US will take the lead in this race to the bottom.
Authoritarian dictatorships all play by the same rulebook.