The police prosecutor Sen Const Melissa Sambrooks said Kinman was not present when the dogs regurgitated the remains, but searched a wheelie bin looking for the toes.
“She located two human toes and took them home and placed them in a jar containing formaldehyde,” Sambrooks said.
Police found Kinman was a member of the “Bone Buddies Australia” Facebook group, commonly used to buy, swap and sell specimens online.
Sambrooks said Kinman was an avid contributor to the site and had previously sold “wet specimens” of a stillborn kitten and puppy. It was not revealed where those remains were sourced.
That headline is some brand new sentence material.
"It’s astounding that she didn’t understand [that] taking two toes that had been vomited up by one or two dogs from a deceased person and sell[ing] them on the internet was the wrong thing to do. I’m still struggling to understand – it’s astonishing, her behaviour.”
Aaaaaannnnd that’s enough internet for me tonight! Goodnight everybody!
I mean, it is one of those things where something’s so fucked up nobody may have thought to ban it yet.
Why is such a group allowed on Facebook?
Taxidermy is far from illegal. It’s not “Human Bone Buddies Australia”, it’s just “Bone Buddies Australia” and I’d expect anything from horse hooves to kangaroo skulls and ballsacks and whatnot. I forgot what the regulations are for human parts though, I think they have changed over the past decade or so but I’ve studied in at least two places that had real human remains as well as a vast collection of animal remains.
What she did was very, very stupid though.
Bone buddies? Just sounds like a casual sex group, who would have thought it was about actual bones
It’s an honest mixup
And oddly enough, “Unscrupulously Sourced Remains” is a casual sex group! /s
We were all a little embarrassed that day.
Reddit probably closed down their existing community.
Basically she took evidence and used it to create an ‘oddity’ to sell it as such. It’s a fairly thriving industry (oddities).
I have sold bones that I found while hiking. One was a beautiful complete kangaroo skull. Sold it for $50.
I didn’t know Melbourne was in Florida.
Well I’ll be damned!
Italy needs to keep an eye on Naples, I guess.
me neither. can USA news put the state if they’re not going to say which country it’s in
This story is from Australia, Silly.
Yes, that was a joke, although apparently there is one in Florida, lol.
State is Victoria
other oddities including […] her children’s teeth.
You do not want to know what germans do with their teeth.
Well, I do now.
The tooth fairy is not as common, we mostly just collect our old milk teeth in little wooden jars. So we have multiple jars filled with teeth somewhere, from multiple generations.
Could be useful if you have a spray can that has lost its rattle.
Or if you need an implant just get one from great grandpa
Or if you you need shrapnel for a field-expedient grenade during the bonewars
And the Germans kept shoes, not toes.
How else are you supposed to make a sourtoe cocktail at home?
Nothing in the world could get me to click on that link
You’re sitting in a bar in Alaska …
Excuse me?!