How can I go back to using Google Drive, Gmail, downloading the WhatsApp application, trusting proprietary software in general?

How can I go back to convenience knowing what I know now? Constantly aware that I’m trading my privacy and my data for convenience? Why must this road be so arduous?

Genuinely struggling with this, how do you all manage? Do you just accept it and use this stuff trying to minimize how much information on yourself you give away? Or have you resigned to self-hosted email and wood cabins (unable to fully interface with payment systems, government bureaucracy, modern technology)?

  • Alas Poor
    2 months ago

    Do you need to go back? What exactly are you going back from? Is it not serving your needs? There are plenty of alternatives to Google services; I’d be happy to provide some suggestions, if you’d like, having been through this ever since The Snowden Affair.