Perpetrators of “revenge porn” offences are being allowed to keep explicit images of their victims on their devices, after a failure by prosecutors to obtain orders requiring their deletion.

An Observer analysis of court records in intimate image abuse cases has found that orders for the offenders to give up their devices and delete photos and videos are rarely being made. Of 98 cases concluded in the magistrates courts in England and Wales in the past six months, just three resulted in a deprivation order.

In other cases involving digital devices, such as offences regarding indecent images of children, these orders were made consistently.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) this weekend said more must be done to “stop ­perpetrators retaining these images and continuing to take gratification from their crimes”.

    14 days ago

    I honestly don’t know what to think of this. On the one hand I don’t advocate having such nasty material on your phone. On the other hand, this shows that law is still above everything else. If something is not clearly defined in law, you cannot enforce it.